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Friday, December 24, 2010


Leak Source In Wash. Harbour....
Thought about Cable Leak Source & think NOT being told correctly. One Enlistee' isn't going to collect hundreds of thousands of TS Cables at work, let alone given life in leavenworth fed Prison risk, out for luck.Cracking Rocks Under Hot Sun..
So thought & thought, In Washington,DC in SW Naval Yard, Communications Frigate was Stationed from Saudi Arabia for Decade.
Purpose of Mission was to monitor ALL 7 Million Phone Lines in W,dc. Always dismissed idea as impossible, yet with Leaks of Cables, someone got thru & with very fine antenae tuning, maybe US State Dept Microwave tower was Big hen that Laid Egg.
That Com Frig Is Gone Now, or out to Sea. Even better time to release Swiped Cables. Tap,Tap, Tappity Tap. ... --- ... ... --- ....Sgt SoSSo direct.
More Like Rocky & Bullwinkle.
On another odd note, Nigeria Today dropped Criminal charges Against Hon Dick Cheny esq,in exchange for $600 million to nigeria gov't. Perhaps Better Sport.
vondrashek DIPLOMAT.
posted by : Admiral Smidlock...., 24 December 2010



Public CourtRoom, Permanent & Forever....
Mega Troubles Start When Court Is Convened. Public LAW Turns Sour With Private Enterprise Taking Over Courtroom Bench.
Radio italee' Agency, Based In Marin County, Calif,USA Founded at Marin County Milatary Institute Way Back When, Morphed Into RIAA, Will Burn Public Law, Constitutional Law, US CODE & any other defense With Deafness Resounding.
Their Judge, Inspite of Defendant Right to Picking Hon Judge for Case, Becomes Look Alike Contest. Monacur' Takes Over, Do People Have Copyright Upon One Hon Judge, Picked By One Defendant for One Case. Apparently NOT.
If Winning case Is Presented, Often Defendant Is Moved to Next CourtRoom, Again To Be Tried by Imposter Judge Whom has Clearer idea of Defense & Negation, On Second Speak, In New Courtroom.
If Mega Can Sustain ItSelf In Court, Might Think, Iverson RadiaLogic or Russia as next BattleGround, As Fight for Word Never Ends, Pure Money Is BET .
vondrashek Radiologist.
posted by : Pants On Fire...., 24 December 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Voo Doo

Use Paper Clips & Stamps....
Msr. Sood had intresting web site in 1996, Leading edge fix it in hopeless enviorment. Most was impossible, like cramming hair clip into cpu pins, would be unlikely.
However, rahual did get impressive job after starting into retail field from home in Canada, Special home made for volunteer computernautics, making VooDoo Extreme, Hp. Not Most leading edge, about half step back from Golden Ring, in todays terms, SSD @ 275 Mhz/s Not 500, be what expect for 8 Grand. Reliable powerful & well thought out.
always liked website, except 1/2" hand drill hole enlargeing part was Not aceptable, however one point was well made. theVAGINA IS Clown Car.
Have Look At those Green martians inside, like little Circus car with ALL Clowns that jump out. EveryWhere Ive inquired, Have You Seen My Clown Car. Now They Only point Straight Up. Microsoft Is Good Start On Small Space iA Clownery, With Mike RoScope & Flashlight.Beep,Beep....Beep.
vondrashek Clownologist
posted by : Snot Grass...., 22 December 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Security Toned Down to 10%....
Tried essentials 2, Check one chance to see setting page & hit box that adjusts amount of SquaresThangee utilized to TEN percent, even 20% will nabbb Ya every so often. Default IS 50%. OMG , Very Passive & installed on TOP of Windows vista or 7 native Firewall running ms rec. More Security, Yet Just Lite Buzz ,Please.
Ulgamat Recommends IT.
vondrashek md
posted by : thomasxstewart, 19 December 2010 Complain about this comment

Monday, December 13, 2010


Rumsfeld goes public Feb.

when theRUMMY States USG, means: US Gypsum.

name floating about for long time, located in Neveda.

Rumsfeld, who is about to publish his new memoir, “Known and
Unknown,” has indicated that his narrative will be juiced by a dump of
classified documents. To be sure, he’s NOT compromising U.S. secrets or service
members but merely creating some early buzz for the new book, due in February
from Sentinel.

As he put it in a tweet, “With my book I will release 100s of
supporting docs on a website--many previously classified, but unlike #Wikileaks,
all cleared by USG."

We can be fairly sure that what applied to the leakers of
yore will not apply to Rumsfeld
looks like msr. assange got
assWacked, new law comin' will put new face on gushers. ?guilty before law even

vondrashek leakette.

posted by : arsehatter, 13 December

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/opinion/1931695/julian-assange-political-prisoner#ixzz182nmREEA

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Wheres' MY Prize....

next time put vote for Cracker Jacks, Please. so might
Wheeee. Tell ASShanged do same,oh....lange may
z reek....

vondrashek DD

posted by : drPatato?Head, 07
December 2010


Monday, December 6, 2010


AOL Could Beat 'Em ALL....

Googi & AOL, British Monarchs of Digital Strength. X

Reviews State AOL sometimes won't fill HD Screen with Mainpge
Image, Irratating & Force Quit.

AOL Wake Up, Beyond Google, Farther than FB, Mobi Enabled.
Choice of LAN Cable provider, ?Far beyound msn.
Whats Yahoo
& Stanford have to do have to do,do. AntiDisestablishment ?Entariums.

Live AOL. Occasionally partition opens with full aol screen
image. better in most ways, radio, whacks full cd lib.

AOL HiSPEED. CregTMpatPendAuthLogoPersonAI Property of


posted by : Velociraptor,
mitten;PINKbaba, 07 December 2010

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1930293/aol-considering-breaking-entice-yahoo#ixzz17OzFwdyL

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Friday, December 3, 2010


?Rob Coppinger. News

Volley 2, Whose Best News Editor of All. Here:

The Inquirer has a diverse writing staff coming from many
different countries, with Rob Coppinger being the news editor as of 4 May 2010.

One INQ, Two Editors. What Fancy. Think of Possiblies.
Websters Internationale' drashek Speeak, Edition. yes,?

Tweet, FB or Commentos'. Nothing Better than theINQ. Room/ba
on floor IS drashek. 'Ole PayWall STeWie, Writers & Editors Would Complain,
Now Tables Are Turned.Fre'....& Reading Is EZ.Don't PayWall US Out.

vondrashek e' Space Rob....bot.

posted by : Pennys' Worth...., 02
December 2010

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1929750/uk-local-news-walled#ixzz175gBtuvm

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Editor @ theINQ....

Hats' Off to Madeline....

Counting, Counting & Moore Counting. TeleType With
Arethemetic Unit. Deep In Vault of theINQ is Secret So many Have Pondered, Whom
Might Editor Be.

Heres Sig: Kind regards,
Madeline Bennett

Editor, the INQUIRER

So There Is Editor. probably Shy. Greater News Than Betchey
Park. Cambridge & DEC. Madeline Made Grade. So Thrilling. One Thanger to Be
Part of Team that Invents, Another To Run Own News eZine. eZine Being Far Moore

WEll, Madeline, Heres To You.

vondrashek In 2 Straight Lines ,Latest of ALL Is

posted by : Friend, 02 December

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/1929716/uk-pioneer-remembered#ixzz16z3hdynT

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.