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Thursday, December 22, 2011

parseing gives ober' Space....

Parsed Open Space is overclocking Potential....

AMD has moved from very large Space Interface to Graphics new Core. Not Parsed, yet Seperate Bursts, as as Parsed in Seperate Timing Spaces. leaving open Spaces Between. Those Open Space if occupied, make more bits Fly thru mechanism, thus overclocked. Same as todays latencies, when filled in, overclocked.

in effect, room at top for more bits/sec. so Thar.


posted by : thomasxstewart, 22 December 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011


For Record, naivee Collegiate & isi Are About As Compatible as Pain & More Pain.
Anyone Could Invent it. isi worlds Worst Espionage Agency was Kicked out & now uses Bangladesh as Operative HQ. Heres' Trouble, No One Agent Lives Longer than 3 to 4 years.
Worth It. Id' Say So. Obi us lee hexa Decimal. Spy 4 BriXton. in fact maybe just stay at home & ruin internet. SAfer.
Today Bricks Come in thousands of assorted colors. Theres Secret HideOut where Ive been putting 'Em All. Know RED'r has missed Ultee', Since Summer Spy Novel contest w/ Editor d ignaius at Washington Post, been bothering commentos' set there. Here my TS Blog:
if IT Ani't Top Secret, IT Ain't Espionage.
drashek Espionage in Washington,Dc ologist....

3dec2011 Alexandria Scottish Parade....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

OccupyDc Video,Kids March to Beat of Nu Drum....

fearless leader....

H.U.D. Scandels Documented by:Debbie Cenziper....2011


Although same link as journos' link on article ,if clicked on ariters name, there are many,many H.U.D. Disclousurs of Wrongdoing in Dc at Debbie Cenzipers Washington Post Bio.

Tee Shirt Is Mine, from Harding Armstrong Jr Arrest in Merriden Park while Officer making Racial Attack on Crowd during immagration pro protest, & arrested, sent to:St Elizabeths Hospitol, never heard of again. 2007/8

H.U.D. Article. well read. NOT Safe,Sanitary Nor Decient. Paint Ball Gunners....

Smoke Pot Till You Rot....

basement grafetti, more management slogan & not kind, given won't give client chance ....

Dc H.U.D. OverHauls'....

Washington,Dc H.U.D. 32 Billion $ Squirmed....

Monday, November 14, 2011

PINK STar ofEastarting Hundred years ago with corrupt Banking, In Wild Cat STate, Oklahoma, Pinkertons has expanded into US Secret Service As Uniformed Enigma. Old & Staleward. STar of Revolution Is Point, A. Fremason Know rule of STar & Vertical STrength. Finding Perch to Bring US Aging Infastructure is Point Now.FREE to LEAD.

Bankers Are as Smart as Elementary School DropOut, Often. Staring & Hoping for FREE Handout from Public Seeking Profitable Business. Won't Ever Happen. Banking Is Encoding Numbers Into Computer Network. REFreshing, yet often Times With NO Purpose than to Spend FREEly. no Gold to Back Dollar. No Concern About Public, When comes to Mandatory Payouts to US Government Recieptiants, Required by Statutory US Code, American Banks Steal Money before even Paid to lawful Recipiant, Theres Quick Quip for Everything, Wheres Ambassadors Pay, Paid to Bank That Paid, in Own convoluted Mechanism. Embassy becomes At Best, Art Museum, Hoping for Contribution or Fee, For Rubber STamp Job.

Wall Street, Well laws control Rube', yetIn Fact, Most of Statutory law Upon Incorporation is Laughable Rube' to Broker of False Incorporation Certificates. Who Allows Such Mishandling of Resources, With NO End in Sight. Markets That are Speculative & peoples Hoping for BIG Profit. Hoping to return to Lawful society with Riches Beyond Compare.
Unfortunately, Even Prospectors find Rube', As wealth from Hard Earned Labor is Nullified by Next Step, often. Management of Deciet.
Now US Is Running Low on Resources Easily Obtained & Wealth of Oil, Mineral & Banks Are more & more Under Control of Forgein Governce. Leaving US Breeding Ground for Forgein Corruption, Complete displacement of Peoples. Haves & No longer Have. On Own to Squirm Deal. Break Deal, Die on Wheel. Pyramid Scheme on Decade by decade Basis. Now Deal is RED china.

Not All Communist nations Thrieved. Yet, National Price Control & More Efficient Engineering Wins Game, yet USA, REquired to effect antional Price Control during Declared War Effort, Did Nothing. H President Bush esq made one comment on REquired:National Price Control, Nothing Like That.

Word Nothing is Becomeing Echo. Occupy Protestor Are NOT Wrong, Occupy Just Does Not Understand Game enough to be Right, At least En Masse'.
Now Critical Question is to Relieve Occupy Camps of Criminals. Offer Safe, sanitary & Decient Facilities with Agenda for Members &Option of Migrating to Warmer Climate till Spring. Home Team Prepares for Springtimes Demands. Like Rose from Wintes Cold Snow, Rise in SUNS Warm Springtime Love.
Some of Demands must be possible & Effective for Occupies needs. Those needs are to use US Reources, So often Wasted & Plunder in Way 50% or More Efficently than Today. Occupy. create & Price control. Hap hazard Developement often is Disaster, going Beyond todays Norm to Better More Affordable STructure is Answer & has Worked well In Past. Go Occupy, Go National Price Control. Evaluate. MigratePlan &Demand

Tom Von Drashek

Sunday, November 6, 2011


US Housing & Urban Developement, HUD, Is Complex. Go back 80 years & something similar to HOME, Developing neighborhoods thruout US Was Norm. Basicly Housing Authority Been General Contractors Association. Many People where disgruntled, Homeless or Impossibile situations, yet willing.
One design might be tested nationwide, in varying circumstances. Anyone Can Build House, as Civil Engineer. So Uniformity, Say SEARs or Any Developer, Made Standardize housing, Quality repeated. Most people might Not be aware ,developer stuck to established plan, heck, named streets after self, worked with local banks. Idea to keep owners in place, long time. Family of Notable Skills, Not living in vechile, not forced to Move often. In Fact rental was BAD, Losing Bank Account, Property & Worse, Commitment by Owner to become, Doctor, of Any Sort, Left many Running for Lives.
False Paper work at Court House did Not Engender Potential owners. 30 years ago, anyone seeking Sec 8, entirely differnt program, Was Just Plain ,out of luck. Towers Built appeared to be WAR Zones. Thosse units take HUD Funds to build & promise 20% of units rented at Rate Compatible with Poverty. Yet, No Way. Full income of allowable limit, first Choice. Retirement plans bought local accounts room, never occuplying. Takes real skill to manage Large complex. Skill beyond h Politcian has.
So H Politican gets small unit, well designed, 4,8 or few more, what realtors sell as investment today. Large Tower tower today is $25 million, For those skilled enough, substaintial opportunity.Takes more than One Lifetime, to be ready.Family of Builder ,Managers & Security. Not All Security Is Honest, Convicted & On going Felons Abound.
Citizeb has right to live where Want to. Not always in mix for local unit, still. Housing is #1. After Unit is gone 5 years with special tenent, HUD Demands are met. Making owner,developer qualified for more HUD Applications. with Dignity to Poor, More & moore people are making successful step up. Typing for poor unit is less expensive than homeowner, on internet. cost of unit, time spent, suggest, learning to spell might be useful skill, rereading, must. watching cable specials, eye opener. Up till Now, retarded folk simply overcome by greed & sadism. Maybe rental units offer hope. going from rental to Condo, well, when condo collaspes, everyon,outside, except most legally powerful. Yet All Explained in Brouchure interview.
HUD Has Come Long Way baby. Since Msr. Jones took on NYC in 1950s', more & More dangerous blocks have been , becoming rubble. some Actions are extreme, yet developer may not be realistic or intent may be Criminal.
Productive units abound. Barack Realty, has thousands of units, yet due to implications  involve ment in 11th september2001, ordered out of Business by H US Congress, so changed spelling of name of Realty by one letter. such mayhem is common & often poorest units in nation. Yes, theres Need for clean up, yet in general Best Developer US.

Monday, October 31, 2011

v  October 5, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska
After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 
GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and 
obviously Todd and I put 
great consideration into family life before making this decision. When 
we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.
My decision is based upon a review of what common sense 
Conservatives and Independents have 
accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a 
decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office 

from the nation’s governors to 
Congressional seats 
and the Presidency. We need to continue to actively and aggressively help 
those who will stop the “fundamental transformation” of our nation and instead seek the 
restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.
From the bottom of my heart I thank those who have supported me and defended my record 
throughout the years, and encouraged me to run for President. Know that by working together 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

poll released by Gallup on Monday, 50% of Americans surveyed say marijuana use should be legal — up from 46% last year. This year, 46% percent said it should be illegal.
Those numbers mean that, for the first time in the poll's 42-year-history, Americans who say that marijuana should be legal outnumber those who say it should be illegal.
Societal acceptance of marijuana has come a long way since 1969, when Gallup first posed the question "Should marijuana use be legal?" Back then, only 12% of Americans favored legalization of the drug. From the '70s through the mid-'90s, support remained in the 20s, but it has been climbing steadily since 2002.
[#ff001d][/#ff001d] :cry:
drashek md

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Slurpy & Long awaited, first:Retail, then Mains, Then LightKill, errrrr. some duba mamerr,Mem channels, 4,096 Pixels sq., With WaterBlock, Mod Case, PreBuilt.
Nice 'n Tight. Lanes are HOT....Fire Power....
thomas vondrashek cmtse'.

Monday, September 12, 2011

hotmail photio

Hotmail will take 12 MP camera image & load 20 into slide show photo album. if click right button, pics last forever.
if ribbon interface, what about Purple, like Purple Heart, Hummmmm. Purple heart, well IT is & IT Isn't.
drashek purple interface of Merrit....

Friday, September 9, 2011


if V3 is pci-e3.0, that be 320 lanes of pci in bandwidth. or 80 lanes of 32 Gb/s, 2.56 petaflops of crunch each second.
futurologist might want 2 x 32X cards. & extra 16X to Play as maybe 4 x 4X for heavy SSD pci-e3 blast. if ever make pci-e3 SSD. maybe numbers are bit screwed, is 32 Gb/s per lane? well, many of Intel stuffs need bit 'o developement, & how much is pci-e3 in standards & practices is not altogether standarized.
somewho, seems NT7 might start looking for island to settle upon, with such fantastic ?potentials.
drashek mobi,tablet, desktop,server & Sc enthusists.....

industree' ?Trials

one of thousands....

Friday, September 2, 2011


People Ridicule Rich, When OwnSelves Couldn't Make Penny On Own Thoughts. Steve Jobs Looks Bit thin, Yet Not Discolored, Faked retirement? ehhhh. Here:
Pretty obivous, yet healthy person could fake photo. You Be Judge, Emaciated or Just Hypochondriac. 
Could use stronger lower leg muscles.
drashek md

Thursday, August 18, 2011


One thing, as Topper, In Sli, OMG, Over 2 Grand & Next:Pci-e#. Sure out, So Asus Where ROG Start in that format, Could save penny ot Double ment Expectations, yes,yes?
Still sli part is best, to make ordinary commoners cringe. Black gloves, Black Mask & 1 Truck. Take Dozen for Ry. Ahso, Each gpu is blinkin only 8X demand?, Say What:1.5 GB of memory per gpu. Hey, 22% Faster than 590. 782 Mhz/s & made for bit of tweeekee' Overclocking,meaning 850 maybe 875, 925 TOPS:BET.. in Sli. Wow, Send train Load.
vondrashek Turn Up Heat,BLAST....

Friday, August 12, 2011


First: Pc is older than 30 years. KayPro was cranking BASIC dudes out in 1970s', WordProcessors where another Thin Pc. Monochrome Buddee'.
Today Vertical cpu/gpu/games cards can reach near 10 Billion tranees'. All Lock Sync by same dedicated Engineering Team. Next Gen about 3 or more years will be 28 Billion trannees'. thatsfuture, Lock Step. 32x Slots. Pci-e4. Toppers Will be gpu less on die, is guess. just too much. YET, next step after 2012 will be cpu/gpu mirroe or 2 gpu on die, just as way always bin. that could lead to multi gpu on game card doubled.
Desktop is powerhouse, more money in gizmo end, due to such powerhouse head end servers than can prepare signal. yet, from server/workstation to desktop is neverending neverland. faster & faster, more & moore. larger screens with more Pixels soon enough,years,will eat up extra eyefinity scale. More? Wow, 3 80" Monitors. Gol ee'. prob, black stripes between monitors. Projection 200" 3,4,5 MP x 4,5,6 MP? hummmm. Needs head called Desktop/workstation. Bigger Digital recorders,too. So Much Power, Mobi finally works. speed o' light, 5,6,8,10 G Networks?
To Make Money, first Desktop Must Survive. There might be plateau, where just more mobi, yet, thats becuse Desktop is saturated, then Biger Blade arrays & Sc gone Bererko.
tom von Drashek inventor

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Headline States IT All, Use Liquid cooling & Protect Expensive System. No Longer will Dust Accumulation on CPU Fan & Cooling Fins Ruin CPU By causing Overheating, Which Slowly Builds & Builds, Till One Day, Won't Start Up.
Nice Cool Water. Distilled Water Is Best.
vondrashek Distillry Expert....
LG has $69ppd Blu out, RE DL DS =50 GB Disc, Rewritable, r dvd Rw cdRW & r on all RAM Burner Blu, too. good for rest of week on special. There are R Blu for $50+,, just not as good. 3D is more. No reason Disc will WEar Out if Kept in Fort Knox Level of Security.
Barrel Fish is Microsoft research O/S develemental Software from MIT & Zurich. Multi Core developement Platform, FREE & hard to find, yet new version is out, after 3 years. Main point is to use more than chache & inter core messaging. build pipelines thats homogenous.Ring bus memory inside cpu. Reseach involves differnt machines to get well into eficient multi core. -=7=- is still single core model.
Ring bus allows shared memory, goed to Hot Plugging cores into mainframe to scale thats desktop.Systems.?Share Thread,Messaging within cores as adjunt to hard lines thru chache. Replicate & Maintain.
Takes 1,000 years to Figuere Out.24 core optimum. Barrelfish is written from scrath, 64 bit,rockcreek,12 core reliable, Coherrent Anaylsis. Small Scale learning.multi parts of system compile simultaniously.multi Sandbox potential.make,establish,strip,run.Compress., if True. Something for immortal to approach. message chain to every other core & await reply. 32 core. better q.p.i. from messaging to cache developement.string nagr, find issue.develope faster completion by comparing multi routes.multi core=dinar.messaging length to out core sensors.=system knowledge base from hardware variable.Constraints.dev interal parts work.Sharing Abstractions,many temp solutions.Gra.vy.till typical expressions.Hunt expressions.building public skills.scalable.building implementation. axle code.HARD war.e....software balls as Institution.beyond application rit'r.Jewel O?S to Upcoming 2 way cross/ss/ss designs.topogogy.diversity, neighborhoods.o/S control domain.losely couple in barrelfish tools allow.finite=small.few aps to many.advanced hardware resources,expected.SALT.from 10,000 unique systems.DATA Base Library'in.ON:ON.OFF:OFF.from local monitoring.multi thread memory $goo.protocol. devleoping core by core sep ap use.incomplete.high level argument, with NOT Total fail.Capability.1 face,2 face. local sharing,reuse ideas, with newer protocols.HOW,Matrix.raking abstractions.differnt enviorments for differnt solve.math,higher,streaming DAT ap.prepare, runtime,networking arch,false arch out.scheduling resource,varying requirments.constraint solving by 01 diagraming.event driven.message baseing to another, NOT Likely.Crop Machines.lowers gap between multi machines.agregate & primitive.resource dynamicly from cloud.inherrently distributive O/S built.BARRELLFISH.allows scale to future hardware dev.GCC compiler from C.Always from C.losely valid modeling thru messaging protocol. seeking boundries.less solution,more model.tech initiator magnitude of machine optimization.
drashek cores communicator

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

thin pc o/s....

Most Whom Havn't Adapted to Windows -=7=- are Older Machine Owners/Users. RTM from that Lovely Company: Microsoft has Answer that Works & for FREE. Windows Thin Pc Client. Available for 90 day trial.
go to Microsoft or Softpedia or Many other sites, Just download iso & install on any 2000-20006 machine, basicly chipsets 4,5,6, maybe even few weakee' 7XX. If had trouble with -=7=- before thin 32 bit is most likely IE9, Aero Glas & everythin -=7=- solution.
Saves cost of hardware upgrade for now.
Really works good & machine just keeps on Tick'in....
vondrashek mostly invisible, sometimes Thin....