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Friday, July 29, 2011


There Was Time When Journalists & ALL Youth Were Running As Fast As Little Feat Could Carry. Fat Pliticos Embraced Each Other, After Sacrificing Tens of Millions of own Citizens. Then from Heart of France, Taking Pinch In Both directions, New terorist Group emerged, from withion French Forgein legion.
KooFag, Assian of Higher ups, When French Forgein Legion became Illegal In USA, Luzsec, Hidden for While, Now Interenet Bound.
Still Attack On Bogus, amoung US. Corrupt & Tainted, Luzsec'd.If Youth Let Them, Leash Is Very Short.FAGKOOK Went Down Swinging....
drashek md

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

medicinal Rx....

iving Medicinal Marihuana Only to Those Patients of Most Severe Illness Is Fraud, Whorse Selling medicinal Marihuana is Probably Felony, Due to Falseity of Medication. Medicinal Marihuana Will NOT Cure anything.
If Market Exiswts, Exists for Long Term, light Break, for Relief. Fatique can be turned around with b balanced complex, before sleep. After years, break of 120 days is recommended, to clear ammnialude buildup that has clogged sterate, hydrogen & release by inhalation of AmmoniaLude compounds to get patient back to Straight tracking. Exercise helps in that period to rerfresh free hydrogen.  for Relief seems only criteria, Sort of Volunteer. Many older Dc protocols make use Hypochondria or even fatal, such as with Glaucoma Diagnosis.

Monday, July 25, 2011

1K BULL....

Phenom II Is Good, Finally Something that works. However, Mobi Has Taken Cake, BIG Buckos'.
Theres Something to Selling One Chip That Costs Twice, once for cpu, once again for gpu. So No More Ath/phe II, Underhanded Cut.
Maybe by Clearing Teams & Stock, Won't Be as Much Comparisoon, Esp on Price Point. Hopefully Bulldozer Will Grab 2X Golden Ring. Add Diamond Studs, As Rev. go thru.
If Bulldozer Flops, So Goes Ship. At least Not Loss Right Now & Intel Barfed on Own Big Deal Wheel. Still Concept of 3 Holds More Improvement than Lacky looo, yet Cards Arn't Delt. Opteron Seems Non gpu event, so Fx might be more scam for Dough. One Thangee' for Sure, It'll Bee New World Found.

drashek Ancestor of Columbus.One civilized reader is worth a thousand

Sunday, July 24, 2011


pOTASSIUM WASHES OUT FROM CELL WALL, LEAVING PERSON TIRED & confused, as sodium & potassium need be in equal quanties in nerve seath. sodium is twice as reactive so stays in body longer. if mortons lite salt helps, try nutrition for potassium chealte or glutenate. 99 mgm or 250 mgm. don't believe articles amounts needed as supplement, way too much & could cause heart problems if take grams per day.

calif is near rep of mexico & naft allows personal Rx meds, antibiotic cocktail is rare possiblity. $300 yearly, go before new years & stay at border till after new years & get twice as much or $600, always do maximum on one passs, say "Personal" at border crossing. then freeze meds for long lasting. best due to any change in law, could stop supply.

once with Rx antibiotic, use public library reference for specific names of Rx & dispensing Officer in mexico, Deep Tanning to purge skin at points of blistering. 90F at high noon for 10 days is good cleaning with Rc powdered upon woundds as appear. remove growth ring with metal pick, banaides & hot baths. scrub with scalia.

medicinal marihuana in tanning & at bath time might give some relief from especially painful wounds being removed.


Friday, July 22, 2011


Dear Rebel, iHOPE U R FeMale. Loving PowerPc With Roseetta to use Flash, Java & Windows Software Will NOT happen with OSX Lion. Although Future Proof in taking in apple only Mobile devices & neat graphics, when Install Lion, ALL old Power Pc Software Disappears, No Flash, No java, No Nothing that is x86 Microsoft. When Apple Dumped IBM for Intel, Convergence happened, Yet with Basic idea convergeing now, Apple has Chosen to Make Lion User Dig Deep in Pockets for Replacement Software. apps, too.

Next; Final Eulogy Song, Bit of Humour When still alive, Title: KENTUCKY GERMAN. With phrase kentucky german repeating in background We Got to Own You, We Got to NO You, Like Your Victims of Before, Look like Special kind of Character, Not My Fault Spoke at Stanford, Hidden in Hills of Last Religous SHEKs, Playing naivee' Card upon droll, Itll cost u,jobfia knows weakness points, Fedder based on Pay & Pay Some Moore, No Difference except to poor, Kentuicky German. Concentrating Wealth like never before, eating Rich & Richer, then Eating some moore.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


IPTV Is Coming of Age in Smart TV. With 15 Mb/s @ $30, Rumoured 3Mp x 4 Mp TV/Monitors, years Away except in very Few Forgein markets, Will Make Density of lumens near CRT.
Wonder Why HDMI & other Lcd Standards never Grow Much Beyond 26", Lumens Just Ain't as Strong Nor As Long lasting.. NoXRay.
More Pixels helps Lots, With Such High Refresh Rate, of Course Each Pixel Gets less. Yet, theres hope & additional Hope. IPTV, get Internet & TV Signal combined at reasonable Cost & light BIG Screen to Richer Life. iPtv.
drashek TV Specialist.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

hulu whose....

theINQSTER aka Incisive,Inverness,Ives,NBC Cann't Just Buy itself, or can IT? msnbc, microsoft buys hulu, Then Certainly Incisive Can Buy Hulu, For DOLLAR. Ya.
Hulu Has Lost Ground to Pay per Month. Everything Is Hulu Plus. Argggghh.What Kindo' Pirates Are This. Retardos?. Wallace & Gommet Pirates. Ghost Ship ,Ahoy. With Real Ghosts. Also,Leppers. Hulu Needs New Model, Stream Cost Near Nothing, inspite of netflicka crys. dvd costs something, Royal Post Cost Fortune. Grab Flickas' Audiance & same net trouble. Forget Money, Just Get Very Expensive properties Out & Viewed, Some near hundred years Old. Grime,Grind&Grin. In Fact, Grab Flickas' Offering & Give Them Away.
Ahoy, Matee'. Good Times on
drashek mede.cineologist.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

amd time....

Engineers Heading to BIG FootPrint just don't have gall of Arm, Really kind of Cruddy. So Arm, Yet Cripple.EZ Solution of Day.
Intel Really made Loser in Sandy Bridge, Press Just Won't Stick Neck Out & Tell Public. Notice No SB processor Ads, Nor Hype. Loser. In fact Graphics Section is So Poorly engineered, just plain  Poop.
Why. Well, Intel dosn't engineer Graphics & AMD Has No Fabs, Real reason cpgpu is to cut Cost in Half, while charging full bore. Not anything Fab Wants, Puts Intel graphics sub Squat Out onto Street. Puts Amd Fab Part Glo, with half Product,Nvidia LosesAMD Screw Intel, as both gpu & cpu are on one chip, half wafers to bake, so corruption of FabWorks, less money, less quality. Big Retailers Squanch Public with same price 2 chip pricing, Intel & AMD Double profit, from defective intended by chipper.
AMD is NOT anywhere near as bad as Sandy Bridge, just behind. Thanks to Squirm thinking HKMG to LKMG was spoof & having to redo 65nm to 45 nm twice, by backasswarding know system.
Leaving AMD 10 nm Short. Mobile APU is Deneb & never made to do APU, Eventually, Stepping with go beyond Bulldozer core to Full BULLDOZER. AMD is worh more present share pricing.-settling with Intel. World is Fool & Money No Object, Nor Quality, Nor anything Grab & Grab Some Moore.
Next year will set AMD up & Intel has done FinFet Dance since long time ago, wheneverIntel starts to fall apart. Pentium, new cpu that looks like city on chip, skyscrapers....etc. finfet started in mid to late 1960s', then fets where dropped, too much field, not enough signal for heat. now at menute scale, well, time will tell. that time seems to be on AMD Side, developeing two way cache crossbar, expanded into entire 2 way module of cpu, well done gpu on die, final frontier, glofo.
 Intels' one hope. Chipset R on Xeon line, also 2 way crossbar cpu NO,GPU., yet beware likes of barfalonia setback, over year out.
Sole Owner: AMD&Intel...IBM+if its' listed, its'Mine.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

uprising Star....

Up till today, World+Dog has been Mempha Z Ma, That tireless Track to Eclipse. pyramid of Structures, Growing Strength. Today, We See Equal Race, & new God awaits, In new Bios, Upon new set of Main Numbers, From 200 level Again, Finally Hardware Will be Changin' thru NT6 Portal. That Change, in this world of IPTV, Mobi -=8=-, 64 Bit Coraled ,Has More lavish, Style.
Silken Roah, Nympho Z Ma. Nympho Get First Runway in: 1972 Pin Vs 2011 Pin Debate, Around new year, New Gal, One we ALL Crave. Nympho Puts All Oldee' to Shame. Like Infineron Magazine, Garden, Architecute or ULaLa, Nympho will let U Walk Into Real World of Imagination.
Touch 'Da Screen & Fly. ati engineering team has proven worth. Drivers are only question & Price Is on AMD Side. 2 6990m, 1.7 Billion Transistors Each. thats' HOT. Nympho Will Push 3 Billion Transistor Barrier of Late to Numbers Twice that size as -=8=- comes in With Full Hardware redress. 6990/590 Is Base, Future is Sky High. Space Shuttle to Mars. Needs: Software to explore 2 Way Cache Crossbar to Intiate 3 core Module. Two Way crossbar will be both teams, Intel & AMD, so Software Must lead as hardware comes out, Next year+pci-e3. -=8=- Cream 'de Croupe. 2 6990m on one Notebook, Steamin' Jungle Gyme....
drashek Nympholizer+SSD1miliops

new Star....

Up till today, World+Dog has been Mempha Z Ma, That tireless Track to Eclipse. pyramid of Structures, Growing Strength. Today, We See Equal Race, & new God awaits, In new Bios, Upon new set of Main Numbers, From 200 level Again, Finally Hardware Will be Changin' thru NT6 Portal. That Change, in this world of IPTV, Mobi -=8=-, 64 Bit Coraled ,Has More lavish, Style.
Silken Roah, Nympho Z Ma. Nympho Get First Runway in: 1972 Pin Vs 2011 Pin Debate, Around new year, New Gal, One we ALL Crave. Nympho Puts All Oldee' to Shame. Like Infineron Magazine, Garden, Architecute or ULaLa, Nympho will let U Walk Into Real World of Imagination.
Touch 'Da Screen & Fly. ati engineering team has proven worth. Drivers are only question & Price Is on AMD Side. 2 6990m, 1.7 Billion Transistors Each. thats' HOT. Nympho Will Push 3 Billion Transistor Barrier of Late to Numbers Twice that size as -=8=- comes in With Full Hardware redress. 6990/590 Is Base, Future is Sky High. Space Shuttle to Mars. Needs: Software to explore 2 Way Cache Crossbar to Intiate 3 core Module. Two Way crossbar will be both teams, Intel & AMD, so Software Must lead as hardware comes out, Next year+pci-e3. -=8=- Cream 'de Croupe. 2 6990m on one Notebook, Steamin' Jungle Gyme....
drashek Nympholizer+SSD1miliops

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


More Expensive 4X pci-e card has geat advantage in Price Point. Looking at    ~6Gb/s & question is same on all drives, what is random read/write & where is fall off point. in deep research , even  controlled SSD have weak area. each manufacturer has own weakspot, yet that weakspot often is in low MB/s realm, Nightmare land.  Will TSV Stacking, like multi layer bee better, 3d trannee' from Intel, kill off early Fog.hummmm.
so far havn't seen SSD that has whole show, at reasoned price. hybrid...gone to ?pasture. Mix HDD & SDD, sounds Mirky. SAS, less demanding. Been Long Time Comin'.
vondrashek md

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Smart TV....

First TV with $2 monthly dial up connection might be Plus, hope has dedicated software, so cann't be punched.
Next: unless pull plug on telephone or take batteries out, that telephone is always listening, Not only to name of show, time & station for tracking service use, also to familys' comments on show, for Psychological useage. Cann't beat IT easily.
Smart TV will sell 130 Million Units in 2 years or 130 billion$$$ or more. Allows simple computing into home that has limited needs, for school research or product info, even buying from home via PayCredit accounts. Like warm summer morning, lying out on veranda, tab, smart Phone & TV, astc FREE Signal, World Starts Up in Greased Groove.
drashek Greasy Fanger

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

pci-e3.0 mains today....

Msr. Taylor Explains Delicate Subject better than Most. In Fact, When Add pci-e3.0 cpu latter, mAIN cut that back to pci-e2.1. Thats way forward future proof works. take new stuff, just won't EVER play at newer standard. Why, Impossibvle to know what pci-e 3 controller standard actually Is Today.
So don't get excited, yet ,thru time, that portal of infathomable variations of meaning, theres always good & that is exploring Readiness. Examining of mains that work & those that DoNut.
drashek perVON

windows thin pc

Have Dell & Love O/S Install Disce, Not Just Dell, Compaq & many older machines, now stuck in Xp mode can be upgraded FREE with this RTM:
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/Windows-Thin-PC.shtml  Has sp1 in it. iso file. Runs great in gx270, compaq 6027, claims demension 4500, yet Not so much. Gx520 was Vista product that won't vista, would -=7=- with fast shuffle thru vista for drivers, now EZ as Pie, run xp on one partition & -=7=- Thin Pc on Another. 1.4 Gb O/S. 32 Bit.
Signed: That Loving 'Ole Critter Named vondrashek

Friday, July 1, 2011

winning,waiting & losing....

iVote Whipp Rupert, Better than admitting to waiting 5 years for BullDozer & Another 3 To Go.Wheres' Llano, well new details emerge:

AMD has announced it will start selling its new A8-3850 and A6-3650 APUs on July 3 then for Llana missing Incredible ~?16 sku:making baby into :20?

Motherboard makers also revealed that AMD will release eight more APUs including A8-3870, A6-3500 and E2-3200 in the fourth quarter with four high-end APUs including FX-8150 set for September, and another four high-end APUs including FX-8170 for the first quarter of 2012.

Following the launch of its Llano APUs in 2011, AMD plans to release 32nm Trinity-series APUs in 2012

Now to Rupert. One trouble with insisting on Money making is Paradigm Shift: Takes Money to Make Money. Lots of Money Is Spent, Often No Reward. Rupert Got Photos, Rupert Took Beating. Public Goes Elsewhere if Cut off, Say NYT, Ruprt Did spawn Rupert Reporter Name. Ahhhh. Rupert on STeWie as Bear, yet Rupert, How Could Ye, Halfa Billion. Dang & Thought I Was Stupid. Well, enjoy pics,Rupee'. AMD closing out athlon II & All Old Lines, Maybe Its' In Cards. Within Year, Shift Will be Shifting to theBULL II, Something like LongHorn beat Up, No One Even Knows Whats Going On, yet It Will Be Better -=8=-, 1972 Pins,much better controller module & thats ALL Folks, for some time.Well Past Dull of Fx990, Maybe into machines that will Hold Own Photos, as 32 GB SD Cards,4ooo Photo Gallery & much Moore.

drashek Fx Suplim