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Friday, December 24, 2010


Leak Source In Wash. Harbour....
Thought about Cable Leak Source & think NOT being told correctly. One Enlistee' isn't going to collect hundreds of thousands of TS Cables at work, let alone given life in leavenworth fed Prison risk, out for luck.Cracking Rocks Under Hot Sun..
So thought & thought, In Washington,DC in SW Naval Yard, Communications Frigate was Stationed from Saudi Arabia for Decade.
Purpose of Mission was to monitor ALL 7 Million Phone Lines in W,dc. Always dismissed idea as impossible, yet with Leaks of Cables, someone got thru & with very fine antenae tuning, maybe US State Dept Microwave tower was Big hen that Laid Egg.
That Com Frig Is Gone Now, or out to Sea. Even better time to release Swiped Cables. Tap,Tap, Tappity Tap. ... --- ... ... --- ....Sgt SoSSo direct.
More Like Rocky & Bullwinkle.
On another odd note, Nigeria Today dropped Criminal charges Against Hon Dick Cheny esq,in exchange for $600 million to nigeria gov't. Perhaps Better Sport.
vondrashek DIPLOMAT.
posted by : Admiral Smidlock...., 24 December 2010



Public CourtRoom, Permanent & Forever....
Mega Troubles Start When Court Is Convened. Public LAW Turns Sour With Private Enterprise Taking Over Courtroom Bench.
Radio italee' Agency, Based In Marin County, Calif,USA Founded at Marin County Milatary Institute Way Back When, Morphed Into RIAA, Will Burn Public Law, Constitutional Law, US CODE & any other defense With Deafness Resounding.
Their Judge, Inspite of Defendant Right to Picking Hon Judge for Case, Becomes Look Alike Contest. Monacur' Takes Over, Do People Have Copyright Upon One Hon Judge, Picked By One Defendant for One Case. Apparently NOT.
If Winning case Is Presented, Often Defendant Is Moved to Next CourtRoom, Again To Be Tried by Imposter Judge Whom has Clearer idea of Defense & Negation, On Second Speak, In New Courtroom.
If Mega Can Sustain ItSelf In Court, Might Think, Iverson RadiaLogic or Russia as next BattleGround, As Fight for Word Never Ends, Pure Money Is BET .
vondrashek Radiologist.
posted by : Pants On Fire...., 24 December 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Voo Doo

Use Paper Clips & Stamps....
Msr. Sood had intresting web site in 1996, Leading edge fix it in hopeless enviorment. Most was impossible, like cramming hair clip into cpu pins, would be unlikely.
However, rahual did get impressive job after starting into retail field from home in Canada, Special home made for volunteer computernautics, making VooDoo Extreme, Hp. Not Most leading edge, about half step back from Golden Ring, in todays terms, SSD @ 275 Mhz/s Not 500, be what expect for 8 Grand. Reliable powerful & well thought out.
always liked website, except 1/2" hand drill hole enlargeing part was Not aceptable, however one point was well made. theVAGINA IS Clown Car.
Have Look At those Green martians inside, like little Circus car with ALL Clowns that jump out. EveryWhere Ive inquired, Have You Seen My Clown Car. Now They Only point Straight Up. Microsoft Is Good Start On Small Space iA Clownery, With Mike RoScope & Flashlight.Beep,Beep....Beep.
vondrashek Clownologist
posted by : Snot Grass...., 22 December 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Security Toned Down to 10%....
Tried essentials 2, Check one chance to see setting page & hit box that adjusts amount of SquaresThangee utilized to TEN percent, even 20% will nabbb Ya every so often. Default IS 50%. OMG , Very Passive & installed on TOP of Windows vista or 7 native Firewall running ms rec. More Security, Yet Just Lite Buzz ,Please.
Ulgamat Recommends IT.
vondrashek md
posted by : thomasxstewart, 19 December 2010 Complain about this comment

Monday, December 13, 2010


Rumsfeld goes public Feb.

when theRUMMY States USG, means: US Gypsum.

name floating about for long time, located in Neveda.

Rumsfeld, who is about to publish his new memoir, “Known and
Unknown,” has indicated that his narrative will be juiced by a dump of
classified documents. To be sure, he’s NOT compromising U.S. secrets or service
members but merely creating some early buzz for the new book, due in February
from Sentinel.

As he put it in a tweet, “With my book I will release 100s of
supporting docs on a website--many previously classified, but unlike #Wikileaks,
all cleared by USG."

We can be fairly sure that what applied to the leakers of
yore will not apply to Rumsfeld
looks like msr. assange got
assWacked, new law comin' will put new face on gushers. ?guilty before law even

vondrashek leakette.

posted by : arsehatter, 13 December

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/opinion/1931695/julian-assange-political-prisoner#ixzz182nmREEA

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Wheres' MY Prize....

next time put vote for Cracker Jacks, Please. so might
Wheeee. Tell ASShanged do same,oh....lange may
z reek....

vondrashek DD

posted by : drPatato?Head, 07
December 2010


Monday, December 6, 2010


AOL Could Beat 'Em ALL....

Googi & AOL, British Monarchs of Digital Strength. X

Reviews State AOL sometimes won't fill HD Screen with Mainpge
Image, Irratating & Force Quit.

AOL Wake Up, Beyond Google, Farther than FB, Mobi Enabled.
Choice of LAN Cable provider, ?Far beyound msn.
Whats Yahoo
& Stanford have to do have to do,do. AntiDisestablishment ?Entariums.

Live AOL. Occasionally partition opens with full aol screen
image. better in most ways, radio, whacks full cd lib.

AOL HiSPEED. CregTMpatPendAuthLogoPersonAI Property of


posted by : Velociraptor,
mitten;PINKbaba, 07 December 2010

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1930293/aol-considering-breaking-entice-yahoo#ixzz17OzFwdyL

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Friday, December 3, 2010


?Rob Coppinger. News

Volley 2, Whose Best News Editor of All. Here:

The Inquirer has a diverse writing staff coming from many
different countries, with Rob Coppinger being the news editor as of 4 May 2010.

One INQ, Two Editors. What Fancy. Think of Possiblies.
Websters Internationale' drashek Speeak, Edition. yes,?

Tweet, FB or Commentos'. Nothing Better than theINQ. Room/ba
on floor IS drashek. 'Ole PayWall STeWie, Writers & Editors Would Complain,
Now Tables Are Turned.Fre'....& Reading Is EZ.Don't PayWall US Out.

vondrashek e' Space Rob....bot.

posted by : Pennys' Worth...., 02
December 2010

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1929750/uk-local-news-walled#ixzz175gBtuvm

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Editor @ theINQ....

Hats' Off to Madeline....

Counting, Counting & Moore Counting. TeleType With
Arethemetic Unit. Deep In Vault of theINQ is Secret So many Have Pondered, Whom
Might Editor Be.

Heres Sig: Kind regards,
Madeline Bennett

Editor, the INQUIRER

So There Is Editor. probably Shy. Greater News Than Betchey
Park. Cambridge & DEC. Madeline Made Grade. So Thrilling. One Thanger to Be
Part of Team that Invents, Another To Run Own News eZine. eZine Being Far Moore

WEll, Madeline, Heres To You.

vondrashek In 2 Straight Lines ,Latest of ALL Is

posted by : Friend, 02 December

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/1929716/uk-pioneer-remembered#ixzz16z3hdynT

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit
the download store today.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

UBUNTU 11....

New O/S Coming:11.

Linux/Mozillia, aka theMOZ,have new step up. With TABS.
Ubantu II. 10 done, next round, heading close to XP,SP2/3, for solid reference

IE9 has some weak points, just way less than IE8.

vondrashek ie....

posted by : Ubantu Chief...., 24
November 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

microsoft 25 yrs....

Closed Caption Commentos'

1985 till 1995 Eagan view is nice, from there, Steve went
moore Big Buck Home from 4004 beginnings both steves' took from.

'd emballmer continues recognizing 50% of Market as covered
by free,NP or Gov't, So Strong point. In 1995, too much computers & BAD
Software. Now Software O/S & Hardware are coming together. Digital is Death,
Perhaps, Not neccessarily mfgs, which more cooperate, more quality of

1985 Was Commodore & RadioShek. Best Where Arcade Game
Machines, Playing Save City & Escape & Attack games. Always Worked,

Now Desktop works pretty good, Yet money shifted to Mobile.
More PVR With Bull of Brigette I,II,III. III Being Way Out,Man.3.

Why tell gruesome tale of tears & overspecualted hopes.
lot bigger than Government, Just Stay Low.

vondrashek md

posted by : theCAPTIONEER...., 22
November 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

v & mem lanes....

wHY ME.mory VOLTAGE gone UP.
ChesTser3. 15K3GB. Still Up Aginst SSD PotentiaL. Optical SSD, HEAT.Full Basqurdario,
Many Pundits Had exclaimed Lower Voltages in Memory sticks, Lat Years. Some hit well at mere 1.2 v. mains & Mems,Some Even Less v.
Now Voltage has moved to 1.75 volt DDR2/3. Because SSD Has Better Ride at Crossover Point of other memory systems. Anyone, Even Morley theSPELLBOUND,Can See SSD Having Curious Need for memroy/cpuEtgpuAl Voltage Lanes of 1.35v or often less. Memory turning toward SATA voltage & HDD, where 3.3 V Is Average, Can Can Broad v.Pinch 1.8 With Some Problems,Sata/HDD Can Also PUSH 5 v. Ouchers. So Make More Slip to Stik. Then low cpu1.2s'.
With some Good Controlers, 1.1v memory, SSD, Cpu, Could be strong low end. with wear, 1.4v. Thats where Real SSD Would Shine & Hope so,Until Ready, HDD Might Be Primer of2/3/4c/MHz Hope for more 3 GB, More HDD & Just plain Moore.SSDME.Obviously. Ultee' Learnind skill of communications for the Mor. Mist, CLoud or Straight Sadistic voltage drizzle, Never Fear, MoHr Memmory Is 'acomin' Marths & Lower Voltages As Pci-e3 Migration Might Allow SyteMss lower voltage & Higher voltage inputs inutof SSD. Maik Mine Light Slobber,Please.
vondrashek aka bongdrashek.
posted by : MORLEY hAS lARGE onE...., 18 November 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ASK goes askibg....

Meta Crawler Goes Out Every Night & Collects DATA....
Sir Schang For Info Is IMPORTANT. Just Word, ASK, Implies Question. Is Drashek Spoof Bring Up 3 Pages, 24 Articles. Now Thats Data.
On: the Inquirer, London Dailey Telegraph
London Dailey Telegraph
Be the first to review
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW # 904
Apollo Magazine, 22 Old Queen Street, London, SW1H 9HP All from Excite, Which Isn't That Exciting & Collasped Site. Yet, thats what came up, right or wrong.
Try Yellow Pages.
Try Dr. ummmm. Spoof, With Curly Ears. Do Try ASK. Mike, Please Pass Gravey.
vondrashek Asp.
Which Leads to:
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 393-5195 Which leads to:3515 Water St Nw .Which leads to Bolling AFB.
20055. Which leads To: Dept of STATE DOS:USA, To Mitchel Air Base to Univ of Minesota, ToNorth hollywood, toMarin Cty.To:REno,Nv All Impossible DATA From Most ViewPoints, Beat Bank At OWN Game.Makes Round Up Small.
posted by : Ancient Records of Tabernacle...., 10 November 2010

Amphetas & FB....

Pubes Makes centerShot, CavePerson Scores....
Most Youth Today Want OwN Excusive & Ordained world. Not Forced LSD Experiments of their Adults, Anymore.
Gone Are warehoused Zombee'. Not In Civilian USA Anymore. YOUTh IS PUBES. YaHOO. Puberating At 180 MPH In Game: Fast Pube & Zoo. Is FB Fast Enough. Textmessaging Was Cop of Single Room Occupancy, Just awaiting 1 Swear Word. then 2, Maybe3or4 & On & On. Just Not Heavy Narcotic Scene of Steppenwolf.
Wheres Action, Theift 1 Murder 2 ,Always go To Frat for Date Rape Session. Single Mothers, NO,didn't Pay Off. Today Intelectual Beats Conceptual Thrills, Imagined Victories. Much Cleaner & Just as rewarding. No Messy Wake Up Call. No Fresh Bodys to Classify. Money, Internet, Vechile & Chick. Internet, Last.
Social for Pubes Reuniting. Tingler of LifeStyle. Vechile Promps, Stop At HUD Station, For More fifees. Play theCRASH on Intenet Radio. Yet, PLEASE, DonOT Ask Women On Street Corner If Want To FaceBook With You, Dumbee'. Private, conceptual & Fast. Thats ALL 21 year Old Needs. & Univesity, & Frat Smokers & List of Old Girlfiends. & Ultee'. Ya, theULTIMAT Supervisor. Hey, Wanna Buy some amphets, Just In From Belgium Congo.
vondrashek PartyGoers.
posted by : Hottee', 10 November 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

fusion demo....

Fusion Going Down in ?Flames....
Nvidia IS Intel Option & , TRy Small One Before Stuck AnyMoney In Sock.et.
Eeeeh. WEll, Today Was Demo Day @ AMD & was 45 Minute Session. Yes Bulldozer is More well Defined & Demo'd,Yet, Vat Vas DAT. Here From Bleeding Edge:
Komodo is the top of the fusion stack with 8 Bulldozer cores and a GPU on die.
Sepang is a 10 core/5 module/1 socket/extra cheese server part, and the cores are listed as "next-generation" bulldozer parts. Terramar is more than an abandoned circuit, it is two Sepangs on an MCM, and can go to 4 sockets. A little math tells you that 2 next-generation Bulldozer cores are about as big as a low end GPU.
Then it was on to the demos. AMD wowed the audience with a demo of a Cayman equipped 8 core Bulldozer playing an HD video while running MS's CPU load meters. At the same time! No, really, they pulled it off! Wow!
Oh wait, that has been doable for several years now. With a 1 core machine armed with an IGP. Call me unimpressed, especially since they showed a Llano doing 5x that at AMD's TFE conference 3 weeks ago. Then again, AMD was ?new running silicon
So, ,,Nvidia Take That or Better Stated, Hope demo Videos, If ANY, Are As Dubious As Brain Transplant. Mines' Scheduled For Next Week.
Over Time Run Quite Few Nvida GPU, When Vista was Young & World Sought Starting Point to Start Again, From. 300, 500,800 5200, All Thin, Yet ALL Cheap,Higher Number, More Obviously BAD. finally 6200 from Advanced Set, then step back to 6150, redesign. Luckly stumbled on v3100 Fire Gl at Giveaway Prices. v3100 was GPU Pundits Claim Has 80 Core, Don't Doubt that, Could Count 'Em in Pic. Finally 6100 Core, & Long Up Hill.
Users Don't Realize How Amazing Nvidia 580 Single GPU Is, In Terms of Power & NT6. Well Over Hill. Next 6900 in 2 weeks, SmackDown. For ?Sandy Bridge, Seems Again Restart to Fit Gpu into Realm of Cpu or Worse. Seems Same On Other Side of Fence, too. As article Implies in Commentos' C&P.
Might Be Time of Texas Hold'Em. Might Be Great Stuff, If Works In Your System.
Now About MY Brain Transplant, Urgle, Gurgle, Foo,Foo....
vondrashek md
posted by : Speedo Depresed...., 09 November 2010


Porn Is NOT Copyrightable Nor

Porn is Googler When Nobody Has Clue. Pornographers Are BAD.
Theres NO Money In Porn, Period. Copright, More Like UnLeashed Murder. Here
C&P from Todays Flamable:

ACORN dissolved amid falling revenues in March -- six months
after video footage emerged showing some of its workers giving tax tips to
conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute.
Despite ACORN's financial woes, Nevada is moving forward with
the case against the once-mighty advocate for low-income and minority voters.
ACORN faces charges on conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for
registration of voters. The trial is expected to start on Nov. 29.
ACORN and its supporters insist there is nothing illegal about
paying canvassers for exemplary work.

ACORN Worker Plead NO Contest Today to 2 Year Imprisonment
charge In Same criminal Venue. Sentenceing Jan 2011. In Another Oddity, Hon Presidents'
Mother First Name Is:Stanley & Father LoLo. Barry Soetoro
listed as a "Muslim" with "Indonesian" citizenship.
Now Claiming Dual Citizenship, Which IS Ilegal In U.S.A., Now
AKA Barack Hussein Obama. Mixed Up World. Thinking more Barack Panther Organized
Crime Boss, About 10 Years Older Than Claimed. Muslim Apparently IS NOT
Christian. Nor Is Converstion Claimed to Be Possible. ALL ACORN Units Are Now
Closed, First started, From New York Wa
s 40 Years AGO, Old. Hon Obama esq
Was Founder & Adjutant to ACORN & latter Al Quaeda in Africa.


Not Much Difference From Porn King to World Power. We Be
Victims of Lawless Land. Have Gun, Will travel Is Card of MAN. Elect
FIRE.KING.View Flaming RED. Feel Heat Roll Thru RED'rs Veins, FIRE.king.In Nerve
Shealthe :Porn(Subconscious Bodily Desire) IS Deep Sleep & Green anarobic
Material, RED is Learnt Behaviors, Eaten of Green & Much More reactive. Go

posted by : Ferris
Alexander....PornKing., 09 November 2010

ten cent processors....

Nothing Cheaper Than SQ

Texas Instrument Catalogs Are Fascinating, From 1950s' on,
Just about any Part is listed & CHEAP. Plus Special Order Desk Must Be
Bigger Than Snears Robot.

TI Made Timex Sinclair, Among Others. Somehow 10 Cent Sq Wave
"Processor", That which changes modulation when New Pattern is Passed Thru, IS
NOT BullDozer.

If Where Mainframe, Try Ten Million, Doubtful Any
interoperability will exist. As In Software Compliant or O/S Subservent.
Straight Binary Arthemetic, Like Calculator. Maybe Basic, Maybe Cobol, if Cobol
then Print "C$". If Basic C 2 Old. If Unix, KahChing$$$$$$$. Telco & What
theINQ Is ALL About, These Days, TSM Wireless. Thomas Slyvia Mike. Dose RED'r
Know That Hon Obama esq Mothers First Name Is Stanley. Hummm, Sounds supicious.
Father Name LoLo. LALA LAnd World. Digital Signal Processor Isn't Enough of
clue, Yet, Is It Wise To Suggest Sylvia Barak is My Father.

On Ward we Ho & For many uses Specialized DSP Might Be
Low Cost Answer. Make Mine 7.1. On Cell, Add Video Camera, Please.

vondrashek Doc Friday

posted by : nuclear engineer
newbee'...., 09 November 2010

mj rug

mj,ssd &pATCHEE' tUES....

Breaking News, APaches'
Teusday Tric.Ylee'....

OTP. Although Nice New, Same Old Stuff SSD Came Out Above
& Funny Gigabyte made Bunch of H & P 67 Mains, Even HP 67 or maybe say
Ph67, Theres NO Display ?Output On Any. Intel Does that When Things Arn't Right,
For Sandy on C32 Chipset.No Sli,No Vag, One 16X slot, ?MaybeDisplay Card Only.
Oh, My. Standard to Poors, Heres Moore From Alister Crawley:

Michael Jackson new Record, Breaking News Song Can be
Previewed Here:


Notice Strong Slurring of Voice, Maybe Michael ?Survived
Heart Attack, Surring Is Result of brain Losing Oxygen for While, Grows Back,
However. Call'd Ultee' Enthused Paparotzi, Well,Ye Back On Track.. like Petezee'
W/Anchoives. Friday Post Michael Jackson Gift To Embassy Here Link, Lambs Wool
Carpet, Based on Cinderella Theme.In Living Room.

Now REmember Patch Teusday Is Here. Teusday Is Old English
Spelling, So Eat It, Dah,Dah,Dah,Eat It.

Due to Same Old Performance, About 4,000 times more than
first SSD's Two years ago, Price Is Looker, Got to hope $2 Barrier Will Be
Breached, As Discounts Pile On.

Seeking Blue UFO Ticket,Washington,Dc terminal, Will Pay,

Eat It.

vondrshek md

posted by : Kaught 'n Glass
Forever...., 09 November 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Precious Metal Vs. Steel....

In 1930s', Rare Earth Metal Shone, as to make telephone, took every connection available, in political sense. Now Telephone needn't waste such presious metal, yet often does.
Same With ALL electrical Goods. Cord for instance should be made of steel, Not Copper. Although Iron is Ferrous, In Right mix, Precious metal could be vastly reduced in quantity used up.
Instead, mines process copper ore to make building siding or Planters. Yuk.
Waste Is Waste & that means greater cost & short useage. Maybe Graphene electrical cords.
vondrashek md

Sunday, November 7, 2010

ballmer selling out....

Breaking mobi:S.Ballmer
Selling Out....

Just In On Wire, Friday Stephenee' Ballmer, Macho of
Microsoft Corp, Sold 25% of Stake In Microsoft, With Further Sales Coming Latter
this year. If continues into Winter 2011, Steve Cut near 50% of Plug. Late Night
Weekend Desk Been So Slow. ALL U Need is Love, Love. Love Is ALL U Need. Steve
Send Samples To Ultee' Box 64 13. Heres C&P Bit:

-- Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer has sold about $1.3
billion worth of his company shares recently, the first time he's done so in
seven years. <--- er Exclusive FREE Content.

posted by : D' Emballmer...., 07
November 2010

pain of fanatics....

Don't Give Me NO Hand Me Down

Like Mediciene, Works Till IT Don't.

Gotta have a friend in Jesus
So you know
that when you digitalize
He's gonna recommend you
To the spirit in the sky
Gonna recommend you

To the spirit in the sky
That's where
you're gonna go when you digitialize
When you digitalize and
they lay you to rest
You're gonna go to the place that's the

Never been a sinner I never sinned
I got
a friend in Jesus
So you know that when I digitalize
He's gonna set me up with
The spirit in the

vondrashek Great Spirit Chief....C Reg TM Pat Pend

posted by : BarterTown
Entrpenuer...., 07 November 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

life of prince W & H....

Harry Spoofs Moms' Smart

First, Prince Harry Going to Speak with Brian Williams on NBC
17Nov, In Evening. Harry Bit Outlandish, So Watch. Check, errr,Search: Mobile
Program Guide or Hometown Schedule.

Now, What would you do to your Own Mom Mobile Message Play.
Heres What Prince Harry Did to QEII:

"Hey, wassup? This is Liz. Sorry I'm away from the throne.
For a hotline to Philip press one, for Charles press two, for the corgis press

Now Ain't Thar Sweet, Sweetee'. OFF WITH zITS HEAD. Hope Mom
Ain't Queen of Hearts Fan. However, Due to 2012 Olympiade Coming To Greater
London Area. Mom Made Decision to Have Diamond Jubilee Celebraton, 2012. Harry,
theNAG, Broke Up With GirlFriend of Prestique', By Deleteing romantic Intentions
FB. Thats Right, Changed Status to Not In One, On
FakeBook. Hows That For Crump.weeeeping

Search & Ye Be Found. Prince Willy Seeems to Thunk 2012
Might Be Time For eternal Knot to Slip, errr, Hobble Ones Life with Mate. maybe
Sooner, As Pressure Has Been On, With Off Again Paining Young Chapette, going
round & round. In Far Corner With Spice Girl AfterShave.....

BE GAY, Go Drashek, Ehhhh....Oops, mustah meant my cousin,
Madeline, K.now Searching directory for Suitable University. Madeline Parker
Gordon, William, FB 'Er.

Next:Long Range Missile Order Ive Placed. BETS,Anyone. Say
did Ye Know Whole House of Windsor Thang Was Invented in 1951. Sure Now Victoria
& Ed ,Et Al are members, Yet did Parli.ment actually just make present
situation Up,6 Castles, 1 Flamed by RA:Same As SELF. Bit After Fact,March1990
Lineage? Search Says, YES.
New Title, Their ROYAL

Final:Us Vs India, Main Bout,Bets: Tip, Oh,Well. Good
Thoughts Are Stop.TRB.

vondrashek md

Pronounckiated vond ra she k. Room For Bunch Moore.

posted by : TS Reveals...., 06
November 2010

moore science....

DON'T Mess With Bill....

No Comments On Reducing Prime Number? Well, Here Bit for
Today.Original Marvelletes in Such Pose & Control. Notice DIVX Signature,
coming to surface to transmit Live B/W Broadcast. DIVX Does that, comes to
surface in time of transmission change. oh, Here:


Remember `1963 Recording, Notice Lens Barreling. Tongues
where easier & Softer than today. Equipment was Name of Game & They
Liked IT Like That.Don't Mepf W/Sir William....

Marvel, DVIX, Still Front Runners.Oh,Please Mr.
PostMan...I'mwaiting for My Government Cheaque.Gotta New Way To Do ,theD
vondrashek As Always, RED'rs

apples, madonna,sugar,cinnmon,butter, flour C TM REG Pat

posted by : Sir Bill...., 06
November 2010

add power....

Poppa Wattah & Get Blues
Outta Mo Sheena....

Think Infestation Got mAchine in Ruddee' Snap, Crackle &
Pop Mode, Image Crawls up & Down Screen? Humpa,Humpa,humpa. Well, Problems
Probably Low wattage Power Supply.
Usercan Nearly Double,
Machine Needs More Electric Power.
As CPU Breaks In, Heat
Can jump, Wasting Power that had been hammering.

Bro & Friends, Push that turbo button in on PSU, if got
one. Or Simply Go Full Tilt, BIGGEE', Max Power Unit for Budget, See what
already are using, maybe 650 Watts, Well Crank 'Er UP. 850 or Full K. Don't Be
Embarressed to Dim Lights In Neighborhood or Strike WorldWide Brown Out. Nay,
World Will Cheer.

Power can take cripple out of Machine, In Instant. Good Start
for new system build, Seek cheap 900 Watt & Join Unbeatables. Security just
uneffects what system had.
More Power & Like Dubba
Grreased Lighting, Again.

vondrashek Liquid Metal...

posted by : Hi Watt...., 06
November 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010


Eye:Emperor of Japan offer

'0<;\^9-+;: ahso, Drashek, Only True Delegated Emperor
of Japan Since 1946. America Controls Japan, AKA Nipon, Thru ME, As Agreed Thru
In Terms of Surrender. Now About that WorkAround.

Often Block Is Limited To Single Partition, Although
Inconvient, Going to Partition where website once opened up Takes Block Away.
Also, Various search will show page thru secondary server or In Explanation of
why page won't open, sometimes bLokofferring to inform microsoft & that
opens page up with 15 minutes, for Day.

Next Commerical:

Loyal Subjects WorldWide, i Ultee', Ruler of ALL Time &
Space Do Applaud RED'ers & Thunkers. For thunk, Work around may be required,
As meta Crawlers RStill Tracking Down: Paul Hales or Lonton Salasie, as Linkiden
discovered. Paul Is Now Curled Under Bed on CowCatch Place.MPLS.SE.

Compelling point is Cowcatch is block from Carmel
CornFactory, MY HQ.
Such Terrific Pounding, Landig On Front.
Gates Rubbers Over on MY Nicolet island, that Souhthern Perche. Unfair Player.
I'm Turning Japense.

Ask Paul what new software is required to get Paul to Answer
door. Only contact now is by World Broad Band Transciever. Paul, Come In

So Whether Microsoft on Plink by Grub, Posing as Something
that person Is NOT or Story. theres Always WorkAround.Paul, iMIGHT Just Walk
Over To Ye Unit.

Practising:Open Sesame, Right Now. Puff,Puff. Come on, Open
Up, Little WebSite or Redax to Another.

vondrashek look in history & do offline hit.

posted by : iSlanta...., 05
November 2010

Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or do not act.

Your legal rights are
affected whether you act, or do not act.

If User Lost Money, There Is NO Recourse, If User Made Money,
Those Moneys Plus Exact fee, of everything, Must Be Repaid Immediately or Face
Immediate Debtors im.PrisonMent.Do NOT Hesitate, Send ALL Funds to ULTIMAT . # 1
DeJurno Brokerage.Death Be Ultimats' Soule Domain Territory.

Ahso, if got Buzz from G$$GLE this year & have Internet
Security Shop, Goog wants to give YE bit of 8 Million $. Sure. Heres Disclaimer

Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or do not

ahso, General Public Is NOT Owed Money bythis Legal Tort, If
Be General Public, You Are Owed Monies By Google From this Recent Class Action
Legal Tort Setlement.


Citi Is Best Described As Person Whom Looks Like
Concentration Camp In Face, Thin, Schophrenic, telling Victim What Your Speaking
Means, Not What Victim Stated. Thin, Extremely Aggessive, Inclined To Take Hack
Saw to Gay person,Meat Cutters, once Masting ?Tape Applied, & Well, Plain
OnGoing Criminal Organiztion, Deeply intrenched in Government Building of Social
Welfare, AS Won't EVER Pay Out. Ugly Betty Goes To Bat.Use of Fake Eveidence
Thruout, if User did something, others take torch, as thats EZ. 87 Shares of
Fresh Air Cost 500 Trillion USD. Then Leave 'Em Hanging.

vondrashek Gestapo Commanding Commandant.... Close Citigroup,
Save Trillion, ANOS.

posted by : G$$GLE ME...., 05
November 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

power of 3....

ADD 3 WD HDD to 3 Lists....

3 Mb/s Is All RED'er Needs, Here. Hulu, Potato Chip Frip
& AnyStreaming Service Make Lowering Cost: of Three. Everybody Needs Three,
Now Month into Western Digital New HDD Series, 3 TB Is GOOD. How many Threes
Converge, Is List End less.
do Hs:
Up RAID, For Funky Crowd Do Cable, Telco Dsl & Dial Up, All At Once, In Fact
Cable Dialup?,YES, Very Funky Pushing Three. Was 1/4 for 20, Now WanThree for
fifee. hieghts of Wirthing, Green Gables, Here Weed Come.
American terrortories, apparently FREE Access to Coffee Cup Hullucidnations Has
Come to Being as ?Well, Not Only Vary Computer Speed & Internet Speed, Vary
Minds Speed OMG. Wow. Headachee'.

USB,Pci-e,SATA,DDR, #Mem.Channels,~3 Gb/s, WD HDD 3TB, 3
Cores per Multi Sub Unit, , ?3 mb/s, 3 Intenet inputs, 3,000$, 3 Years of
NT6,201.3 Fre' Elections Sworn Inn,, errrr. Three Game Cards, 33,333 Vantage3D,
3DTV, 3 Monitors, EyeFinity3, 3 years with theINQ,Arrrrr,3 Friends, All Gender
Imposarios', 3x10 Buckos' Month, 3 Kicks to Groin as First Punishment, Carla,
Free At Last,3DayVac ThanksGiving, Ain't IT Nice. 3 Billion Trannees':
Cpu&Gpu, ?3+ Mb Cache per Core Unit, 3Gb/s, 30" LED ScreenMonitors, 3
Seasons, Hurricane On:Off:InMidddleOf. Keep Pumping 3, Asus III, UDC3+3+3, ?30
Power channels, VGA/DMI/HDMI, 3 Foot Wave Crests:Surfin'
USA.DocSis3.0,300Mb/s,Three Meals Day....

vondrashek Three ME.

posted by : Sparkling Diamond
Champagne...., 04 November 2010


Chromo Tabs Bite Butterfly

Mike Hired Me To Douse theVOLE, So On Last Stand Frontier,
Rounding of Wagons About City, Vole Is Weaking. Taken To Direct HITs &
Broadsides,Company 'n asia. Admiral Ultee' Prevails & This Is Month Chrome
Will Have Debut.

Torpedos At Launch. Why Does 2010 Hurricanes Nearly always
Disappoint, As Tomas Prepares To Wander Into Atlantic, Like Ballmer, NO

Chrome Tablet, Well, First just 3 Years Ago, 13" Was Twenty
Spot, In Pounds, CRT TV. Now Finally, Dawn of Reckoning Is Arriving. Nuts &
Bolts Into Eradicator.

Todays business buys Computer with Minute' 2 GB of memory.
forget 3, for that Matter, forget Dual. In Fact, Forget IT.

However, -=7=- Is Less Spontaniously BAD than xp. Softer
& more Reliable. GuardsMen to Firing Line, Killing InComing
Mals,Virals,&Probs. Less Problamo.

However, If Chrome Be BIGFOOT, Good, yet likely to be Dainty,
Up Against Vole, Raped Hog. Well, Take Fall, Jack.
-=7=-, Buy 4 GB Sticks, Buy Anything With Heck of Lot of ?Threes in ?Ad.
Bye,Bye, Tomas'

vondrashek Specialist ExtraOrdinare'.

posted by : Chromo...., 04 November


Spec For 69X0, Plus ME.....   
Heres Latest Dope From Chuck. Mere Common Commentos' Makes Chart on This Months Release from AMD, Here :
Cayman XT
1050Hz Engine Clock
1GB – 2GB GDDR5 Memory
6,000 MHz Memory Clock (GDDR5)
295.45 GB/s Memory Bandwidth
2,400 Stream Processors
160 Texture Units
256 Z/Stencil ROP Units
64 Color ROP Units
Ummm, Finally Lotsoup Streams. Scores Are Going To Blister Most Blistering Scorer.
AMD Has Started Lowering Prices For Black Nov Clearance of Sorts. X6 now $230. BTW 6990 does Incredible 300 ?Watts, Per Card, So Hybrid Crossfire That, Gunner.
BandWidth, Simply Beyond Tomorrow.Core Clock Also Among World LeaderShip Class.
Party Time In Galleries.
Although Price Won't Be As Cheap As Inscribing Punditee', Should Finally help Define new Price Order Thru GPU World. EG Lower.
From Fingers of Bull.Dozer, Et Al. Live with iT Until 2013.
vondrashek Faster than....
posted by : Kirby Tappenlli & RED Croft...., 04 November 2010Complain about this comment


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