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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


?Season of Witches....

Eva if Packages have different names & wildly differnt, exciting Architectures, This Is NO Brawl, Men. Dis Is Dawning of Age of Aquarium.

4 Channel, as Red'r been ?Informed of other doubles Eye invents in 1998 on Usenet, pushing library to fill in from just released memory. one memory cell back, giving much less library time, Holding On or Off onto next load to reduce number of address points, which merely reverse on or off, & Finally my fav, Slipping signal in between signal by aranging ping. Love that simple stuff, like Headecimal when only had bit over 500 transistors, saving 300 transistors & making more solid Parse footprint & ?memory, really iNever.THIS IS IT.

NOW, DDR4 is Additional Channel, 4 Channel from INTEL. Wow, Eva Drashek, Next Que EN.

So NOT enough can be Stated For Bull & Sandee'. Eye Be Finally somebody went to Hair Raising problem if not splitting to pure mayhem needed to design Quality onboard system. Bloc is such economic term, MODULE Is approved AMD Term & Yes, Eva Glass Looked Thru Mirror & saw Each wo core With have OWN Complimentary Controller Core, 3 Core Module, labed Dual.

Fiona, Named After Carla, will miss US, going to Die At Sea. Next Powerunits of Sea:

Gaston Hermine Igor. Can Two Processors Track & Save ALL That Fury & Power, YES.

Not Much More to Rave, Except Remember My Flautence'ometer invented for Stanley Barton in 1961, Barton core & Instr at Augsburg & Founder of Mcdonalds ,when family business in St. Louis Park? Now Kit at Cornell, My Starting Point Cornel iA. Why where there already so may Parts in catalog for Flautence Tester, Temp,Hyd Sulfide,, Molecular Activeity? wel, thought up answer: These Food Chains Select Cattle By Fart Index so ALL of Own Food Will Taste Similar. Flautence Is Flavor in Meat, RED Meat.heres' Point: AB1 Vs. AB2. Wild & Wacky Business. Eaating Fleash From Fleash that Fed U.

Whether Light Blue Gray upon Flesh or Deep RED ,Sometimes Green, This Witch States: Yes, MY Companies ARE Fairest of dem ALL.My Designs Are FASTEST & Most Stable In World, Today.

vondrashek Join UP or Die....

posted by : Green Face, RED Lips...., 31 August 2010

Give Us Sandee', Give Us Bulldozer....

Taking Moment of Reflection....

AMD Seems to make World+Boffin Convienced Bulldozer Will Be Prettist 2011 Taker. Competitor has some numbers: 2120, is fastest, 3.3 Ghz/s & Called Sandy Bridge along with other 2 for second generation 400 & 600 & few more, variations. those are numbers being mirrored by HIS, Ugliness Monarch Po Tom. Mirror, EAT Peoples.

SB & BulldoZer are going to Feastival of Hardware Change, For Most Lovelies of ALL. YEA.

Fun part IS $1,100 unit 980X is beat half time by mere 2400, other half, sometimes by wide margin, always close at ?worst.

Bad part is has one Pcie16X slot & that NOPundit States will even run Game Card, Some State ABSOUTELY NOT..

other chipsets have various frequency game card adapters, like sli or crossfire, yet maybe Not on that newbee' SB. So One for BULLDOZER On High End, yet SB Plays ALL High End Games from 35 to 60+ fps. REndering, TOP.

2120, Famous Studio in dirty US city, mine, is good Price near Hundred fifee' QuidNo $$$. its dual core model. 2600 is 6 core, while 2400 is quad. get number ryhme, 2,4,6 Whom Is BEASTros' Tiff.errr, which.

By LATE 2011, 2011 Pin unit be thrashing stage with 6 core.

Amazing scores come out of 2400, making Eyes POP Open, beating everything in sight, Only next 990X might have chance agin IT.

So REvised forecast, EARL Mises US Coast, SB Makes Grade: A+. For 2120 price point, mere DDR3 1333, however, A++. 2011 core beast gets 2133 Ghz/s,Smiles, getting past DDR2 Salon, quite combo is impressive. two letters, S=Standard, P=Performance. at end. K for give Me Kookee'.

So in space for AMD New Display adapter, adapted sneakly way to Applaud SB. of course Fuzion Coming for AMD, in ?smaler Way & NO diagramatics for SB leave Ball in AMD BULL Court for Serious Engineering Quality.BULL Ring Now Open, Grab For Golden Ring While Caruosel Spins Around & Around, Whos' Prettiest On Squares Land. Squaier Tom, of course..Soon, in 2010, User Can OWN Her.

Mainboard is H67 or P67 for 2011 Pinal. 2011 Gonna Be GOOD Year, Finally. SB don't work backward, even lesser Pin H61 or P61 Main Units, completely NEW Race at Int err,El. that other cos. Mainboards Be Enginering Today with Great Brevity & Hasta La ,opps only -=7=- 64 bit & Vista 64,too. if want 32 bit, Hasta La Vista,Baby.Vista 32 OK.

People Just Love AMD & Strong Movement in FREE Press to AMD Crib, goo goo. Way should be, Not mass beat Up. Both are coming into home stretch neck & neck. Is adapter something that can be Used in pci-e 16x graphics capable Intel processor? EyeFinity Me Says Queen Bee. Eyefinity US.

well, thats post Shrimpi article, wait for diagramatices & will that actually take stress of vast sea of half ?gimp computing hardware. Dark Clouds Form, Yet Clear Sailing till ?Any Badness, for ethier.Eyefinity semms to be dozer,Price Goes To Both, THANK God & AMD. and Mom.

vondrashek Slow Red'r.

PS Drivers for On Board GPU Are:Catylist 8.0X, So RED Is White & White is Tom. ahso, GPU Is ethier 6 for single coe or 12 for DUaL Core, Good Flavors.A.md or Bust Gib Me Booth, With Cherry On TOP..

posted by : Fairest CPU of ALL...., 31 August 2010

ibm DS8000

Correction:Cpu z is software number to detect bios:

Website misidentified meaning of Cpu Z, Not Speed, on bottom of bios print there should be Cpu z software number, Eg Cpu z 1.45, part of displayed image.

apparently thats' missing & Apparently that means technical is created from outside, Not Inside of cpu. Well, I Never....

New -=7=- SP1 additional updates out today. Mary Jo got details, have to be member of tech testers at MicroSoft. Mainly Graphics Updates.

7Oct more XIV ibm stuff coming, for high TB 176+ crowd. For useage, already complaints Not Enough. well, whatdaya want for instant memory. So skip XIV as level of archetecture for Now & go Back to Reality, XI. btw XIV is DS8000, make ye hap pity? Hopeszo.

vondrashek Data Server 8K.

posted by : Gettin' My Zzzzz...., 31 August 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

two old theories again....

Vats' Plural for Bogus....2 Items Again.

Tuesday two old items. beat by stick here at theINQ, are upon human race again, seeking info , of any possiblilty here:


Silicon OXIDE Is First & Oxygen Isn't stable nor good conductor with metal

Memresistors, something Hewlitt packard spent plenty of worthless timeoff on. First 5 nm might be help.then ring bus with real magnets. Ahhhh, good 'ole Days.

Probably people whom lost job or been in Sun too long.

vondrashek md

posted by : Time Warp Creator...., 31 August 2010

ati gone....

Tied to Whipping POST....Good Lord, ATI gonna DIE.

Execution Squad Load 6XXX, Razor Arms, FIRE. Ha,ha.

Well when DAAMIT First Conspired against theWORLD-Dumbo, Seemed Unique & Heavy deal. Pundits considered internal War between Dresden & Canada. Experts Predicted English Would Crucify older AMD Element, Things Fell to fantastic Low, near Bankrupt.

yet, hard to beat Time&Charges. Now AMD is shawingings back up from $6 last week, after rapid Fall. ALL n' Wonder, Where Are YOU. Probably only real Loser.

New Product, Vis.ect ion could be real ?undoing for Engineering team, too Easy. Those Cards Donnnut come aparts so good anyway, although Tastee hdmi port could use some extra flavor, EyeFinity seemed like whole Salad Was Just Getting to: ALL You Can Eat gourmet style. What About little RED Toematoe. F-T Where Are You.Buzzz,Crack,Snap-Yes i Will Invent New Monster.

Fertizler on AMD, Add Hurricane & Bloom. BTW as daneile wobbled over to greenland, landfall Dis coming friday morning, EARL was pulled to sea, now moving back towards East Coast. Watch Ani on ATi, I Will Tort That Bugger, to Death. HEAD SHOT.

vondrashek md

posted by : Der Commandant...., 30 August 2010

ati 6870 ?score


Reason website States article is fake is due to GPU Z Score Blank. Also, those poor people are raving about P35 mainboard chipset, OMG.

Theres NO Picture of New series, 6870 Game Card, neither. So Poo. When Nvidia offers first lovely 5XX gamers card, if be, Nvidias' Fake scores might be higher yet.

When will insatible need sour, even $500, more than entire machine, isn't enough. Worse games cards, play mostly violent gobber. Each card only does narrrow range of games, sometimes made for just one specific game,others just coinkedink comalong, so for money Sandy Bridge with scores ABOVE ati5450 score is at least twice todays common integrated graphics 4250 integrated lifestyles.

Pants Down,Death Kisser, Mamas Favorite Army, Bang. +\=": :.<* _^`/\}[.{] )~(-?

vondrashek peephols Scorer For ....

posted by : Slanta Clause...., 30 August 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

2010 hurricane names....

















Saturday, August 28, 2010

pictures tells 1,000 words....

Right Up Potomac....

new era approaches....

movement to 6XXX processor, from 8808, to 6800, 880 seems start for 8/16 bit & 6800 start of 16/32,NOW deeper developement 32/64 next Might be Step into middle of NT6 & now called 600 dual core generation2. Hexadecimal, 16 bits thatare ongoing shorting of instruction deep in archetecture. possible 16 combinations of 4 Bits. One module of 2 cores & controller have own hexadecimal platform , while second 2 cores with controller module could be running completely seperate set of hexidecimal code meaning side by side.when integrate two 2 core modules with one controller module, that greatly increase need for larger two way crossbar. ?too complex now, so mirroring of module seems to be start to larger core counts.

With that start, Intel now on different essential archetecture, PWr graphics, On Die. People get frustrated, with ALL additional Parts & don't want to understand machine.now Boost in user happiness on horizon. seems to be finalization start , NT6 system of vista & 7, towards multicore. finally chipsets play -=7=-64 bit & word is Go Cat,Go. Dsl & Cable Ready, Send in HD 1080P signal.

Both AMD & Intel are in for clobber of Problems, cpu , if run with one narrow group of instructions, capable of much higher frequency, when parameters are unlocked. So adding 850 Mhz/s game card, makes steam come out of system, so to speak, as cpu is pushed.

Now on Die graphics can blip cpu, if cpu & system can handle such snappy response. fact that 60 Mhz/s are low end for 51X multiplier is step back to linear speed , & now new starting point. like 6200 gpu was starter for vista to redesign, now 6800/8808 cpus seems inside number, with 600 being bet numero.Expect Large field of intercompatible problems. Seems, sit & wait attitude Is Best.

Remember mfg viewpoint, Chartered & IBM, expanding to mutli core, where many, more than 4 modules, singing in variations of own hexadecimal code inst, using two waycross bar to snap & gpu to push active graphics, IS Challenging, just to understand. Shurly intercompatibilities will be fireworks.

Software game written to set 6 modules to specific operations, hexadecimal coded inside & exploit, well, unheard of today & complex, yet software is NOT slow down, Hardware Is Needed to step UP, Dod, & those steps are looking to Step up 2011 . then enough of getting system stable might start -=8=- multicore team, or start of data collection, forming multicore Processor in say latter integrated module final stages.

Google Chrome O?S, HA. What laugh to todays Battle, yet MC Manufacturers need NOT produce extraordinary numbers of Units, just enough to Test & Rewrite. LONG RHODE Will Bring Cherrie, Summer Delight to FamilyFans, Yet, Getting There, OMG.

Finally, Much of Stuff Public will see IS Old, needing final nm finish & stablity in WWW enviorment, General agreement on what to Incorporate & Now that World Is Past 400 BAUD.

Media. Sing Us Tune,'ole Trafficer.Try NOT to Sing Out of KEY....

Inventor of Hexadecimal Computing DRASHEK.

SB 6XXX completion?

Found KEY to Sandy Bridge....

There Secret Inside Sandy Bridge Only Engineering Team Knows, In Numbers Reveal that 880 from Intel line is compared to Sandy Bridge Gen 2 cpu 600. 600 Is clue. Intel, Motorola & Apple used 8XXX group as first start, after experimenting at home with 4004 for decade, that is Dod let Public home computing start.I too had studio laboratory with Boxes of 4004 & dual trace At:2120 4th Av So.MPLS

8008 or 8808 , now code number still hang on dual core 880, which Sandy Bridge Is Alikened to. However, Sandy Bridge number is 600 or next generation from 8808 to 6008 or 6800 series, then 386/486 & Pentium.On Sandy Bridge Model Number 2 600 Printed out by bios.Revision 2 model 600.

OK heres Catch to Key, Remember Vista that Never was LongHorn, Engineers musta laughed to bank on RED'R. Well, Worked terrible, Until that Key Was Found by DRASHEK, called 6200 gpu & whole mess had to be redesigned, literally from ground up. Mainboards, graphics, Core speed & slots, ALL As predicted from Original Vista/ NT6 White Paper, which Was First Published Here By Ultee', AKa Ulti. What theULTIMAT found was next step then, Numbers, ALL Over Rug. yet 6200 archetecture made Vista Work.

Todays Sandy Bridge IS MAJOR STEP UP FROM880 Intel, Not Major complete step which Bulldozer Might Be.


More Massive in some way,cpugpu, yet first Baby Step, while bulldozer is Finialized Dual Core, 3 core Module.

Heading to my New Friend, Capt. Multee's Domain, with 2=3,4=6.6=9,12=16 Core Modules, ifthat be design or?. Yet Sandy Bridge Is Complete New Fabrication, Crash & Burn, Perhaps, yet In Time Another Exciting CPU, this Time:850 Mhz/s GPU Link to Cpu. So ALL Hail 600 Series Sandy Brid .ge. C TM REgistured & Pat Pend, ALL2 Years of IT. Sandee' Scher Had NOTHING to Do With IT, Nor Sandees' Employer Illonis. Only Eye Set Vertical, Only i....

other facts 6200 to 6800. SB multiplyer up to 51. core bus stagerring 99 Mhz/s, thats why believe Long Road, NOT Horn Vista pread Horn was Oh,so Long. Long Road to Sandy Bridge before 22 nm Shrink, Need some High Speed Tests,please.

PS Daneile going to Greenland. Earl Coming to Washington,Dc midweek.

Super Technical MathMagic & coding.

posted by : from Moto 6800 guts...., 28 August 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

daneile, Greenland. Earl Mid atlantic:Washington,Dc....

As First predicted Daneile going to Greenland, well remenants of Daneile. More Rain Storm than anything tropical.

EARL However, Is about to blow cork right off bottle. WEll aimed & Going to CAT4 for sitance & NOT Slowing down, even as just offshore, by mid week. Seems Us Ins In for Big One. Predictions are assumptions taken from weather service & Obvious than added to. Yet, looking like week ov hurricanes, as 3rd is starting from same nest that daneile & earl came from. Most likely route under carribean, yet anywhere towards west, if TD picks up to speed.

more cpu talk....

Bulldozer has Technical Edge....

Vector instructions arn't much compared to copletely new system archeticture of theBULL. Bulldozer Is Closer to Sand Box Controller, that once knows files execution code & got that into cache, only needing check file begining & end to check library & grab entire complete works from cache, saving All time that file would of had to enact each pass thru cpu..

Same as Any sandbox, outputs starts before input is complete, if known item,if it new file, just wacks file thru system, background is shifted All to cold module. So Whopper ,in Ultee' Theory. Since All Switches, just reset once file starts run into output. Ready for next file, which if know, branch predict & 2 way crosssbars start up from cache, while other cache is humming, hummmm.

compare toordinarily cpu,like Sandee' Bridge, as simply from in to out, first file wouldn't even be decoded into operations as much slower internally, while Bulldozer got handle on one & blast libraried result(cached) & about to blast second group of inst out, due to fast two way crossbar reset. FAST & Faster.

Crossbar, effecting reset, much, much faster.So many Tranees', So Fast to Flash clear entire mechanism for Next file. 1.3X faster.Each File.

Dozen greasee' fingers grabbing for Gold Ring. And ON.ON,ON & ON.

Mentioned Hrricanes daneile & ?Earl, Now Thrid is forming off West Africa in same hole as daneile & Earl. 70% chance TD Will Form in next 48 hrs. Very large cold front came thru north america on Monday & Daneile literally bounced off denser air. Earl still getting track aimed for US. Need F Name, Female for recent African #3. theFinquierer? NO. Well, wait In Stepped Suspense.

vondrashek md

posted by : Able...., 27 August 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

jobs next show & storms hit near europe

Next Wednesday, iReighn Hits Public....

Nick, thats one of better articles, good thought out reasons. Did U STop Drinking?

First thought: Jobs changes name to Nick Ferral, ?As Nick Gets ALL Chicks. ALL of GOODS Are Possible & .99 cent iTV been in computing public sector, Now national News, might be show, with few gizmos to boot. Really iHoped to see Stephens Scar from Pancreas Thangee' or Pancreas' In Bottle. Wow. Remember Saying: There are camp fired legends that fell to Flames man Sword. Flame On.

Heres real reason flameing Nicks Applette. Daneile on Wed next will be Striking Madeleine Islands or North by 100 miles. 800 miles from spain & close enough to England to be threat, on Wed Cat1 should remain or 80 MPH & traveling Northeast rapidly. Get those camera iPhones,iPods & iPads Ready, Expected that Mary Poppins on Bicycle Will Be Amoung Storm clouds. Well thats ALL for Now. Talkin' Week from now. check portable radio batteries. Batten Down Hatches. Flame Steve With Instant Messages.

vondrashek md

posted by : STorm Master...., 27 August 2010

Medicinal Marihuana....

thomasxstewart1 wrote:

Addiction very old problem, Until recently, over 200 years addiction has become known problem. Catholic, word itself derived from Alcoholic, as Served in rites of that church, now just grape juice, well people died young & that was that.

stronger narcotics also freely grown world wide. Most cultures seemed to have addictive root & loss. Public being One Crazy Mash.

Alcohol Is NOT Capable of Being compatible with human body, washes out cell structure as solvent. In fact, Shellac industry from East, used BAD Alcohol, that won't dry properly, leaving wet goo,used as sales to people & found that addicts could be pacified & slaved with alcohol, so worthless dredges went to workers, whom where on brink of total loss of senses at most times, due to push of Bad alcohol as medicene & elixr, stimulent.

Now Cannabis Sativa-L & other proposed Delta Nine Tetra Hydro Cannabinol products are expected. NOT. Clover Oil Is Ingrediant going on sale Nationwide.Already Legal ,yet dislocates retina from back of eye.

Main ingrediant is Ammonialite, which melts, so to speak, fats & oil needed by nervous system. There Is NO quick replacement & memory loss Is permanent. gone, yet user can relearn about as well, with some retraining over few weeks. those weeks are lost to unrationalness & poor gangly coordination, confused thought & loss of overal memory are result, washed away by ammonia lite in blood.

B balanced Complex in dose of 250 mgm daily refreshes nerve growth & about only quick way to restore confused person & that takes weeks.In fact b balanced complex negates euphoria ofMarihuana. for most fatiqued, months. Ammonialite analogues, made of your nervous system, will collect in oily Liver. Theres 50% reduction in stored ammonialite every 6 weeks. so about 6 months to clear entire system of Cannabinol residue. if user tries to repeatively use Marihuana, there IS Less & less effect over time & More confusion & discoordinated activity, as most of oils & fats in nervous system are already washed out & entre system in need of repair.

For Saturday night party at smoker, OK. For Day to Day Use, Unlikely. Some people have poor thought tracking & perhaps need refreshment pf Deep Oils in Brain, yet most peoples loss of abilities that took decades to store up, in matter of weeks, makes Marihuana Pathetic Drug of choice.


8/26/2010 9:33:08 PM

amd gpu ?names....

Name Game:Make Wachah & then Hachah.... Southern island should be 6700 Series & lower, While Bartis is 6800 series single or dual gpu at Top,Top. Remember, Bart,errrr. Barter, something to do with old parts. Flea Market 'Puters. Barton Core K7, before Hammer Time. Lets see, for 6200 card I could let this unit go for.... Starting Positions,Men.EIGHT. vondrashek md posted by : A.md, 26 August 2010 N.b. original article about batis has been withdrawn & serch engine has nothing for bartis ethier, except some forgein pres unrelated & few peoples names.

pcworld serves up customer data....

OVER 8 QuadTrillion TS Files Servered....

Burning Down House. Our House. Never Trust Business, If Be Ins., Really Will Burn Down Your House, Just Refuse Them & Find OUT.

PCWorld has Web Site thats Not Too Bad.

New Def: Chocalate Cutting. Chalk With Late Timing. Standard of theIND.

vondrashek md

posted by : Server Farm...., 26 August 2010

Gmail Telephonics....

Don't Forget Video & Same Deal WorldWide....

First Everyone gets to Call Canada & Us For FREE. Both Us & Canada have to pay to Call Outside of there Own Region, So Everybody Gets Same Deal PLUS, Everybody Gets Video,too. FREE if US/Canada are Callee'/Caller.

Colleen, Now thats' FREE Item We'd ALL Wish For. Placing Call Now, xxx,x,xx. Ah, Jens.on, about yer Daughter. Err, No Not irish, Meant Dhaughters....HEY Collen You, How about FREE Schelpt Over or At Lest FREE Coll. Call Coll.ect, Heck With....umee'.One Less Expense & shared toilet.

vondrashek md

posted by : GooGooGooglee' Eyes...., 26 August 2010

Searche Engines....

Microsoft Genius 12%....

When Microsoft Captured Yahoo Search, Great thangee' Happened. Mic took 12% of Yahoo Revenue. that expands to 18% over 10 year Rental. Remember, Yahoo would get 100% of Ad Revenues, except Microsoft bit Yahoo on leg for little Blood.

What World Needs Now is ALL Search Engine Widget. One with choice of half dozen search engines on Desktop, maybe even subject entry bar. User selects order & push RED button for next search engine, till see all six if need be.RED button appears on each search page rendered.

Entree: Mike & get Mike or MadMike. Enter Drashek & thing Blows Up.

Remember Always Bring Towel & Plenty 'o search engines. Why don't ToolBar Addons, simply ask to add desktop link?

Guess Whomn. U L T E E'

posted by : Give ME Twenty...., 26 August 2010


Don't Forget CSS3, Html5 & svg2....

Unbelievable FAV could be Dropped, Might be button feature with drop down menu including favs, yet Not Focused Pic that well, & censored out image Now, Microsoft States thats only preview until 15Sept beta, Public gets, So Not that Long of Wait.

At least Image Is Real MaGee. Hey, How About Translator, even if go there on own, how to Save http address. Translate History into Broken Dreams. So Must be secret Opening, Passage into present: tools, pages,safety & what NOT.

Maybe Right Click on Screen browser, could work?

Could Microsoft be Selling Out to Google Chrome ummmm,O/S? Chuck Public, Hopeless Mess? Wait & See. Those Hanging Bities make difference, ask algor....

BTW Daniele Taken extreme twist towards NorthEast, Greenland, maybe further East,Like BIG U, from west Africa to ?England. Well, maybe exageration, Fizzle in Upper mid atlantic more likely. Earl heading into mid Atlantic, Will Darlin' EARL Break thru of Eastern shore Storms.Go Earl, Go.

So weather IE9 or Weather, Anybodies Guess.time Will Tell. Good Time For Crop Farmer & Friends.

vondrashek md

posted by : RavUp 2 Favs...., 26 August 2010

Gib Me Nu TV....

Make one THREE Units Long....

Taking from EyeFinity, 3,4 or 6, Now maker new TV thats 1080P & 3 units long, like eyefinity3 only NO Distracting Frames,thru mid areas of screen. Give Me That Sony.

How about 3,000 x 4,000 pixels or 6 screens all Glued Together. Ummm. hope standard makes IT before 120 MegaPixels . Well, that'll be Great

Day.Good Start for Eyefinity6, 3Kx4K Pixs.

BluVey needs More Pixels to impressadditional content upon Iris. Even DVD has surplus of DAT inside disc,Usein'Electronic boost to1080P, even dvd does ?blu.So Larger Screen & format, even EyefinityX,help Boost 'Ole Blu Roll Around to New Standard. If Buyer Already Wears Correction Glasses, How'd that Work. 3D or 3 Screens. Too much Gizmo Eye Thinqs.More Screen,More Pixels,MoreBlu.DTVS

vondrashek md

posted by : 1/2D...., 26 August 2010

Exciting New Changes....

Here effect of Earl & deep storms off Eastern Us Coast have already deflected Daneile into open water, making Daneile Non Event. Earl too Has Changed course to More Northerly & Might Just Hit Americas' Mid Section. could take 10 days. Daneile will clear eastern atlantic, leaving Earl little room except along coast, Daneile will gather CAT3, Two are 1,000 miles apart. so double punch, upper atmosphere IS Clearing of Wind shear. Earl Faster Developing & Much More Threat to Land.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

commentos on gmail

With gmail now video/voice to ANY telephone number....

Since unit plays gmail, todays new plug in for gmail allows free telephone access, if plugin works correctly. remember, just came out today & rob peragio says works fine.


Just carry around anything that connects to gmail & take plug in or use from home.

Hello, Santa....i need new gun.

vondrashek md

posted by : Samson...., 25 August 2010

free gmail telephone service to any number & earl....

http://www.google.com/chat/video  Install plug in into readers gmail account & talk talk talk for free over telephone. Notice that hurricane Earl has formed & taking own route, straight into carribean. Two hurrricanes for price of one.

yahoos' 10 year deal with microsofts' BING....

ASK Jeeves Gone, Coil or Cuil, Wheres MY Breakfeast....

People with Simple Minds Need Look NO Further, yet Plethora of Search Engines exist. Try :

http://www.cuil.com/ Coil Is Search engine by former google employees. Cuil has 127 billion Pages, NOT Too Shaby.

Yahoo Was Great. Yahooligans Love: Go BIG & Step Back Approach. How about Name, MaMa for search engine, one of most ingrained phrases. Mama, what happened to Yahoo?

Well,Papa vole, took Yahoo out back & Shot Yahoo thru Head, dear.

thats nice to know. As LIP Surgeon, often felt that by attaching entirely new Head, Yahoo, Page A{34,i9,errrNiner, could do more to enhance average sinner than mere minor surgery. Soon have pages up, yet on Bling, errr, Bing? NO Way.Ch,Cha,Cha Cherry Bomb.

Jeeves, Wheres My Axe.

vondrashek md

posted by : coke bottle lens...., 25 August 2010 Complain about this comment

Making better Commentos'....

Heres' deeper anaylsis:


Actually Bing Is Renting Yahoo space & in return giving Yahoo 88% of Advertising revenue. Which Microsoft felt Is beter than wsting 47 Billion Dollars on actually Buying Yahoo.THAT PURCHASE TARNISHED WHEN 'D eMBALLMER GOT CAUGHT VISITing Yahoo management at yahooHQ to make Search Engine deal, stricly No No by Stautory Law.

Drashek corrected.

posted by : Jeeves...., 25 August 2010

not 3D tv....

Converting 3D signal bck to 2D....

we had 3D, We Had 2.22D, Now we have Someones claiming Tosh is about to produce Naked 3D. 2.000001D

well, Eye Never. Tosh denies claim, maybe cause units NOT True 3D, yet on & on, Ball Rolls on.

Watching TV in Fast Reverse has certain uniqueness. Friends come over, makeum watch backtakes. if Play beatles backwards, hear:Satan Loves U. Well, I never. Thats ALL 4D Stuff, time warp.

Recommendation:Just Try NormalVision.You'll Be Glad You Did. ahso, forget high HzTV.

vondrshek md

posted by : TV Vision....Propheteer., 25 August 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

cmos 120 megapixel sensor....

120 MegaPixel CMOS on html5?

Html5 may have helped Mobi user see video, yet 120 megapixels might be new Scream, Worldwide. Here:

CMOS sensor capable of delivering image resolutions of around 120 megapixels.

The APSH format sensor has an image area measuring just 29.2 x 20.2mm (about the size of the end of your thumb for quick reference) and can output a whopping 13,280 x 9184 pixels.

Cost. Your Entire Family+DOG. 16 HD Movies could fit inside, is claim, yet math tells should be 60, as 10180P has ~2 MP, so 2x60=120 . Maybe being inside black hole makes difference.HA.

NOT available & Probably Never Will be, for Public, yet ,maybe. Hope ITS' Color. 1080P, back on earth gets good 20" height LCD OK, so 160" should lite up well. maybe double density be good deal. Call machine, Ultee' Raye. Plays 10 fps, so Not Quit video yet.

13' height means 18' lenght. 120 x 30 = 3,600 giga pixels per second. Take Real Champion to Do that on Desktopper. Could Use Several Sandforce SSD units, bunch of powermongers of cpu. new record ddr3 @3 .1 GHz/s with Oh So Many Channels. Software, well, start Writing. Ya, could be done today. Thrown In Parents for Lens.

Home TheatreVision by Canon.

Now get THAT into HTML5.

vondrashek md

posted by : Panarama Tom...., 25 August 2010

5 planet solar system....

Ill Probably Never Become Real Boy....

Oh,My Lappee' Light, Thin & Orphaned to Clutter of Home desk. Cost More than REAL DeskTop.

Well, Nothing Like Cool Appearence. Heres Real Cool Note from Euopean Space Agency Southern Div. St. Andrews, in Scotlands Edinburough, Say Best Surprise since Pinochio Became Real, file under Intresting.

many planets orbiting the star, its movement becomes a very complex "superposition" of several different planet-induced movements picked up clear signals from five planets, along with two slightly "fuzzier" signals. One of these possible sixth and seventh planets was estimated to be just 1.4 times the mass of the Earth gathering the information that will put our own existence into cosmic context at least five "Neptune-like planets" lying within a distance equivalent to the orbit of Mars, making it more populated than our own Solar System in its inner region. And all the planets seem to have almost circular orbits.

Drawbacks are earth sized plant spins around 10180P (P for Pinochio), every 1.2 days, way close. Planets that might be special intrest are too small & Ice ?rocks. Whether Desker or LapTop ALL Same Story.

Second story on New 3DTV without glasses goes unconfirmed from alledged mfg. Uses angle of light from LCd, however, LCD is flat sheet NOT Ray Driven, so Gooden Lucken, What People will BUY. Imaginary 3D. or yesterdays 2.5D for Christmas, Great For Stupid Relatives.

Only 128 Light Years Away, In Standard Time.

vondrashek md

posted by : Long Nose, Big Floppy hat...., 24 August 2010

Daniele Gimps....

No Charts, Daniele has Lost CAT3 due to Atmosphere Drying & Wind Shear. So Stateth Weather Dept. Drying Reduces Vacumn Dome & leaves Winds & Rains, Yet Gust Just Ain't Like Used to Be. Reducing TOP of Event, Plus Scattering Whole Mess, World Wide. Again Deep Horizon Strikes Evil Winds.

Looks Good For Upper Canadian Islands on East Coast. Certainly Bermuda will Slow 'er Down Some. CAT2 is 96 MPH, Right now 80 mPH Is Spinning & Moving at 20 MPH..More East Coast Rain Might Be Order of Day, Next Week.

Earl Is Acting Up much Faster & already got depression started.Lets ALL Hope & Pray EARL Gets Good CAT5 & Hits Washington,Dc Straight In Nose.

vondrashek md

net neutrality is bogus....

Net Neutrality Questioned by Right Wing....

Remember Low Voltage Applications to public are ofen simple, so Bobber might be intresting step up. Gib mia home where Buffaloe Roam & Skys are Cloudy ALL Day. YES. Cool,Too.

Now on net neutrality, right wring groups are finding connection of net neutrality & ACORN, Banned group, ACLU & moveOn.org. plus handful of other possible money laundering outfits,SEIU, CREDO .

net-neutrality coalition Save the Internet after a conservative blog questioned the association with liberal organizations such as ACORN and the ACLU.

Save The Internet views net neutrality as a free speech issue rather than a liberal or conservative one. He noted the group’s membership still includes a number of conservative groups, including the socially conservative Parents Television Council and the Christian Coalition. So NOT Conservative issue as much as implication that net neutrality, AOL, might actually be bunging 2nd admendment thru quasi illegal funding schemes.

thePIT with church people in thePIT & Bulldozing Public for money thru F.U.D., while covering thePIT for Money.

ALL troubles seem to start with Hon Clinton esq, convicted felon & served jailtime, twice deposed from Arkansas Hon Govenorship, invented V Chip issue.

New Slogana:?Blind Nations Children, V Chip, Net neutral. Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Bulldozer Right Over. Ali,Ali IN Fre'.

vondrashek md

posted by : Liano X BobKats...., 24 August 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

cat3 daniele, yet blunders into ocean....

AS shown daniele peaks at cat3, right now at 29.00" of mercury. 40=60 MPH winds & fast approaching Offical Hurricane satus. however, it lays east of bermuda, much fury over nothing. however Earl is forming in same basin NOW & may be blistering Hot Uprise.

notice CAT2 label

well focused CAT2 on sat...

BANKS take IT All....

Ultee' on Prowl....

More Possible Wikileaks stories. First on Iraqui Pullout.

Reported that 12,500 Us Army troops paracuted into Moscow area to put fire out, most likely pulled from Iraq. On youtube, fellow with crazy clocks that have just about anytime, all differnt & funny monkey Logo, report on 2Aug thoae troops where parachuted directly into Russian fire. Some burned up, estimated that skin reach 220F. Fire did go out.proving again gov't=murder of citizens.

Next will republicians do same for ALL of US. heck yes. Or will democrats raise tax to 70% & give money away to european bankers directly, yes,yes.

heres problem with tax. say economy of $1. built item X for dollar. than builder payed 10% to build, so build x thats90% size, again next builder builds < for x. by know 3 people have what hoped is dollar X & only .81 cents in circulation, so every X is actually worth 30 cents, although owner hopes for dollar back.

then tax steps in & wants 1/3 of each transaction plus value tax. midway thru second x, money simply has been taken by forgein taxing authority, UBS. Or Berlin or whomever. NO Money, sell X for 9 cents, less than cost of mfg, if lucky attrack forgein bankers back,yet FREE is about only known word to banker.

People than get out of bankrupt area. TAX did it, Reverse Multiplier. Really stagering. only solution is gov't spending that gets to locals. NO WAY, ALL going overseas now, straight to hand that bytes US. Hopeless. Whether in US Army or Simple Commoner, Pit is so deep in loss, one wonders why wikileaks can't just go drudge+ in pages. if takes 6 people to aggregate local newspaper, there should be thousands of onLine newspapers for each town. Yet ,there are few. People just don't care, demand to be ignorant of facts & blind to consequences.

theres enough corruption in USA, let alone golly England, this Entire School year crop, put in Journo investigation, including where do ALL Journos go.Just be startng point. About Face, Straight into pit. As Wikileaks founder first Retort, shot upon, proves. Writing Makes Thinqers & Thinqers of Same ability as Forgein Bank Tax enforcers Is About only hope. or todays citizens just give ALL Away.Or bee very,very,POOR=Conscripts,play that bounced off wikileaks this time.

vondrashek md

ahso notice course of Daniele maybe going to Straight North is model, which makes Nova Socita taret, over Weekend NNW might lead to mid atlantic region....

posted by : Prosticutor...., 23 August 2010

Looking BAD for Washington,dc....

TS Daniele sdtill is falling back as to when CAT2 will be reached, now predicted Sat2PM. However look at path above North carolinia into mid atlantic. Looks like by Wed after next.depending on off shore weather might deflect seriouly straight north into uppereastern states or canada, open ocean or simply wear out, between canada & greenland. deflection could run hurricane directly into Americas belt buckle.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

guesstimated course thru tuesday.


29.76 inches of Mercury Notice 2 for Catagory 2 hurricane, about 100 MPH.

from frankenstorms to REAL Cat2....

Danielle will be thy name. first frankendanielle that stalled along Lousiana coast never made ofical name, now new 'caine could still keep rising.

although forecasters State could puter, at 5PM She Formed & look Cat2 Isn't just going to Quit. Low or High, incoming.

30% chance of developement, off shore....

forecast waxes & wanes. from fizzler to over ocean event.

Friday, August 20, 2010





Why Game When Being REAL IS So Much More Bloody.

posted by : Doctor of Divinity...., 21 August 2010

PAIN little Shop of Horrors....

On Capital Hill, Described as Best Dentist in US, as Works for Congress as Offical Congress Dentist, YH Lee, know as Dr. YHEE in trade & son RL Lee run dental office accross from libary of congress on Pennsylvania Av Se & ?A St Se. Next to open sidewalk cafe family is part of. Terrace cafe. Dental office right next door.

Heres point. Dr YHee & Son Love to fight bull dogs & keeps hundreds of photos in frames on office wall, many cute, ALL attesting to perverse need to Victimize.Sexual touching of patient happens. erriee sight, for office almost unused. Dr RH Lee Will glance near your teeth & demand root canals for entire mouth, often naivee federal worker in her late twenties just says, OK.

Pit Bull fighters=personality of extremely disturbed porportion. Reason dr. RH Lee, whom has father living above office, so called, Dr Yhee, Has shows with federal employees' & those federal employees pay fee to suture up ripped pit bulls, after watching fight.

Little good from offfice in day of modern medicine, in fact out dated method, misdiagnosis & favortism seem only point.

Personlly North Korean dentist is quicker, firmer, cleaner & beter within entire sphere of dental science. If YOUR dentist States, NOT Doctor, you got BUM in Your Mouth, as Doctor of Dental Science is another facet of of being Medical Doctor.


storms & Senors....

CAT5 Probibility GREAT....

Msr vid explained how to count number of
or non
by accumulating oncoming stream into aggreagate sum voltage.

in other words analog measurement of digital signal. OLD, NOT ?REliable. in other words if resistor like > where takes more to cross overat mouth than point, with so many wires along resistor to show where maximum power is needed to cross, then that measurement of voltage accumulation or wattage at point in time, takes many samples to make final read out, NOT one. If half signal is
or voltage compared to 1/4 signal
, differnt point on resistor is crossover point, as wider takes more voltage to crossover, measurement of aciveity of signal, NOT Signal Itself Nor Meaning of that specific Signal So Wow, another student with chapter ahead proclamation, Not really NEW, even in FLASH Encryption or Probability, except perhaps as cut off switch.

Next: On West African Coast this morning New Hurricane IS Forming, Thousands of Miles in diameter, reaches all way to south american coast. Ocean Is at Anos peak Temp & When IT Blows, Gonnads Be Sex Shooting In Northern Direction. BIG, Very BIG. Take While for massive storm to condense, yet Here IT Comes. More Reighn.

vondrashek md

posted by : Death Panelist...., 20 August 2010

Bulldozer revealed....

Whistle With Fripple, Bulldozer Diagramed....

If Wikileaks had Milatary, Digital Hardware Section, this be IT. Humbled Germans Gave Up Info today, well dresden still in Uber land.



Not Stove Pipe Z Archetecture anymoore, Plenty of Bells & Whistles. Leaks, hopefully covered by nm scale. Wiki, ALL Over Place, looks more like basket Weavers Delight. Got Duba floating point, SSE group & ,at botom bunch of missing stuff, yet to be revealed.Om, BLACK Forest.

vondrashek md

posted by : XratedX Bulldozer...., 20 August 2010

NOT Stove Pipe Z Architecture Anymoore....

SB6120 varies with machine....

Crashing, Ultimat Security...

Intel & TI team up on cable modem. Recently bought SurfBoard 6120 & streams 20 minutes. Finally computer quit 790 Resting now, plugged in 690 from Microsoft tech tour & SB6120 streams ALL Day. So Not completely modem,maybe computer or game card.

Only visual difference is cursor bobbles on 790 lots w/SB. So Mccafre or Mcafre, only proof in using, might even stop viruses, yet something tells me highly individualIZED experience.

vondrashek md

posted by : Surfer JOE...., 20 August 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good Threes Vs. BAD threes'....

Hi Efros, Heres Dip on Threes, have to invent 3 more before 3PM.HA. Good Threes First.

3 is new number swinging into latest devices in many ways, maybe even approaching term: PC3.

Some todays examples. DDR3, Sata3,Pci-e3, Hybrid in 3 slots, Eyefinity with 3 monitors, 3 core modules, triple channel memory, gigabyte likes concept to point of 333 as mainboard model monacur, Remember ALL threes listed are in Developement & being finalized, so New 3 World for many aspects of computer, software ,too. wordpress 3, CSS 3 are examples. of course there are many other improvements coming up too, like SSD & digital periperals of larger pixel count, arn't described with 3 in standard. Just that so many advancements happen to have number 3 or 3.0 in them today.

Now on BAD. 3D TV has never worked for very long & very old, each generation brings on round of 3D TV, then Forgotten. while in mobile phone 3 standard works, sad part is 4 level phones seems to have floundered.

there are plenty of other numbrers in computing voiced as latest improvement, yet 3 is often in Standard level in TOP catagories of parts, today. Easier to remember memory,slots,&processor details when such easy number as 3 seems to lead way in many areas of machine description. What Luck. 3 Cents,Please.

Commentos' Spies....

Espionage, Spies. If Holy C At theINQ allows last quickee'

3 Was Originally brought Up Here at theINQ when TOP End Core Frequency was being Explored, to slightly above 500 Mhz/s Core 3 or 4 years ago, result confirmed Satelite research that 333 Mhz/s was mean best core for DIGITAL media, FIRST Experiments BY, RA:Same as Self in 1964 test launches of DTV unit for 18 months, while at Brittany Road Embassy, Edina.

ahso, USB3, MLC 3layer....3 been number for '010.

vondrashek md

posted by : Last 3 Winner...., 19 August 2010

vondrashek md

posted by : Ultee' Vision...., 19 August 2010 

$78 sandy bridge....

For $80 This Sandee' Bridge IS Yours....

?Faud has Facts:

Sandy Bridge CPU. The slowest and cheapest sandy bridge, again dual core should cost $79.99, which is the usual price for this market segment.

This new CPU should launch in Q2 2011, one quarter after the introduction of the first wave of Sandy Bridge CPUs

Looks Like AMD Is going to wrestle with Intel next year At Good, AFFORDABLE, Price. Hook Up Flight Simulator. Captain.

vondrshek md

posted by : Garage Tech, 19 August 2010

BM ipo

Use Livescribe to figure out GM Stock Offerings.

For record, legally, light scibe might help secure transaction. heres General Motors Offer:


Take Days to Read ALL, Basicly PAR is ONE lousey Cent. 850,000 Share, Some Prefered. Implies Buying GM Worldwide, which is unlikely. 100% of GM Earning will go to pay off old bonds & Old gm stock, for very long time. No actual sell price is listed, yet suggested is from $30 to $130 per Share. Enough to pay off motors liquidation & make hefty 50% off suckers whomn sold out. Lightscibe would gush blood.

Lots of Gruesome Details, basicly intent is to take public for ride.

vondrashek md

posted by : Smartz Dept., 19 August 2010

wireless FIOS....

Verizon ADDS FIOS to Tablet Subscriber Options...

Latest & Greatest. Back with MOore Non Sense.Verizon FIOS now is making plans to offer FIOS to Wireless devices.

Yes, get hundreds of channels , as program guide dictates, in own time slot. of course, on demand also. Tablet becomes $100 month TV Service,too.

Non Cents oriented vondrashek md

posted by : Ultee'maniac, 19 August 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New HDD Density to 25 TB 5 pattern Machines....

Tosh Rolls Out 10 TB HDD Plans & Demo....

Toshiba's plans to unveil the blueprint for 10TB hard drives later today

sample & Toshiba plans to show off today features a 17nm dot pitch, but it's hoping to reduce this all the way down to less than 10 nm

takes place at the Magnetic Recording Conference 2010 in San Diego later today, where Toshiba will show off the first sample of bit-patterned media (BPM). Along with HAMRnm

C&P From theINQ old editor zine Paulette hailes: riter benee'hardwick. 12.5 TB HDD Is Planned & whooping 5 TB Sq In Density. Now Ain't That Fancy. Ask Me What InterFace. well, HDD Something. Seems SSD Stamp Articles Limits Have Just Been Stretched. Next:NAT Eggs For Memory.DNA Memory, memory that Grows With You.

vondrashek md

posted by : Denso...., 18 August 2010

Sandee' Bridge....

New Revolution On Horizon, Paradigmn Shifts....

Remember Mom Baking In Fall, Each New Pie Complete, Exciting Prize to Savor. Ummmm,good. M.O.M.

Mom Is Cooking Up New Experience Just As Tastee'. Peepers Go Weepers. Nothing To STop US Now. Cinnamon, Sugar, Shiftd Flour, Gold Medal Flour Preferred, Crosby Thanger, Bit Grittty However.16 Bits for Full Byte.

Moore Threes, DOCSIS3, MLC3 Layer, Three You GO,Take ME To Highest 3 In Land.

Well, We ALL Love Sounds of Sandee' Bridge Now. With DEP Brown Eyes & Shek Black Hair Curling Down, 6'1", NO Slouche In Sax. Finally, FRE' Love Will PAY Out, errr, Off.

Start Saving Your Pennies,Get Assembly Room Ready, New Bred of Cat is Arriving. Prepare for Golden Encasement, RainBow Showers,Clean as Whistle.

vondrashek 99.999Fine artist & Provocatur' Agent.

posted by : Paradigmn Specialist....1ST Class., 18 August 2010

GM going pubic....

GM Going Public Friday 20Aug

US Gov owns about 60% of General Motors Company. Before Msr. Whitacre Leaves 1Sept, IPO filing Will offer General Motors to public, 16 Billion $$$ for 6.7 Bill $ Gov't Investment.

Indicates Standard $10 Par & 1.6 Billion Shares as Guess. Heres Kicker, VOLT. GM Last Stand shurely will bankrupt GM. Say 1 million Volt Units At $100,000.00 Loss Each = 100 Billion, GM Cann't Sustain even 1/4 of That & Pro Wareentee enforcers from competitors will Hound GM for replaement motors & batteries, Lighting Load on Own Over next few years. So Computer, ?yes. NO VECHILE however. for rest of 2010, each share could recover 10% of Par Value, which is ficticous number, as initial offering mighteasily be double as windes way thru system. Stock ?Brokers Make More than GM on Loute. Also incredible heavy Magnetic fields could undo anybody, babies first.

vondrashek md

posted by : going under...., 15 August 2010

pci-e 3.0

Remember Andy Devine, that large friendly & dumb Character Actor. Well Msr. Devine Did IT. Let Spies spy on Buyer, Real NO NO in Marketing.

Heres another Story coming to Reader Way. PCIe 3.0. Msr Nestar', Smokin new standard about ready. 'member three convergences. 3 core module, ddr3, usb3,sata3 & Pci-e 3. Well late this year, finally PCIe3.0 rev 1 will be trotted out for public, in waves of announced product. Mains start to retail in Q1'11.

Good. Last week finally bridge to PCIe3.0 ver.7 was completed & allows proper pci-e 3 totwo bee compatible. also finishing touches on two way communication of each channel. . Rest IS WrapUp. Biggest ?help Is 128 bit length compared to today 10 bit for pci-e2. could waste lots of space. as each string is ,normally one statement, so if have 48 bits to transfer, well 8 bits to byte so up to 16 bits will flourish each pass forward, then 16 bits back. much better than one ats time. So Deviner, Ye Got Plucked & Sthieve just G to Do IT to Ya. Hope Wife Likes Perals.

Ole Nestor (Pronounced Nasza) vondrashek VIII Star Generalist. Home Lite Extra.