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Thursday, June 30, 2011

neweggs asus eah 5770

fuzzy video Vs HD5770=$89.95....

5770 does Dx11, All top games & on sale ,NEWovium,follow links down, for Hot Price. SB going down in price,less than $100, rebranded Pentium, yet low qual graphics, i believe unacceptable clarity.Intel Not that Kind.

Fuzion OK, 5870 hasn't taken price cut 200 USeD, yet, discrete & embeded have some intresting options. Wow, 2 5770 crossfired into desktopper llano? Mybe waste of money. gibme those cores. Intel might sucker public, looking AMD got Power. At least on die gpu operates, SB just Not so great.

drashek md

posted by : updater...., 30 June 2011

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2083107/intel-increased-market-share-despite-sandy-bridge-recall#ixzz1Qmu75clV

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit the download store today.

today is fuzion day....

SHOUT: take 3 core jackomo smackemup to 4 core & add 5870 for $100+ & get power Buggy, not Dx11, yet powerful & Am2+/3. Old family Power. Hackamo ddr2/3, probably Pure God Experiences,too.

New Is Always Better, Today is Fuzion Day. PackiJo, Stackamo, JoJo. JoJo is Some Kind of Beast Sold In Market Down in New Orleans....he,he. Braun Shouter, How Come U Taste so GOOD.

drashek md

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

IE 10

preview windows 8, IE 10. noo, not 6 sec boot usefi, yet mary jo has link on page. if your system won't ruin download, think Hach,hack me another compsigerette....


drashek won't run on xp hackerette

Friday, June 24, 2011

cern fusion w/amd fusion....

Fusion can bequeth fusion....

dRIVING DOWN HIGHWAY, GAP OF SPARK PLUGS CAN FUSE TOGETHER, FOM EXTREME ENVIORMENT & ATOMIZED FUEL CONTANIMENTS. ican also turn off my caps lock. yet, will CERN take obvious step, & use Fusion Processors to crunch All that data. Data Drashek here, Fusion My name, Fusion My Game.

Turning off caps lock , less fused. self cleaning spark plugs via platinum, less fused. CERN, More Fused. Get With IT, CERN, Fusion. enough to bust fifty million Amp Fuse.

posted by : fusion god...., 24 June 2011

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2081593/cern-smashes-petabyte#ixzz1QE1AsgG2

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit the download store today.

bapco & sempron.

Latest from amd, Bulldozer is Not for Bapco, inspite of Amd being bapco member. Bulldozer score are noticably BADco.

Semperon is now cut from amd lineup.

How about pci-e 3/4 going near thunderbolt, yet thunderbolt moving to 100 Gb/s. Wow. New Song America: My Credit card, My Credit Card, Where shall i spend thee.....

drashek md

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


by turning of 2/3 of cores, large die size makes impossible nearly possible, for small amount of time, at idle.

Banks ton, Banks Zero. Kamakazie server Blades. Fried on Inside is Logo.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

microsoft new beta thin client....

Putting this here as last while on sidebar stories. Have some old dells or Hp around, Pentium ?X or anything that won't consider -=7=- 32 disk, apu does, apparently do -=7=- 32 well. so ?2005 & older, heres new Beta ReDer might like:

Top Stories

Windows Thin PC RTMs

Windows Thin PC has been released to manufacturing (RTM), and will be available for our SA customers to download starting July 1, 2011. Microsoft Windows Thin PC (WinTPC) enables customers to repurpose existing PCs as thin clients by providing a smaller footprint, locked-down version of Windows 7

should be in connect program on 1July, U.K. Citizens, Diet or best yet, apply in advance when apply becomes available.

'ole drashek buster buster.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

zawa bro contest....

Al checked with personal literary agent.  Zawa Bro series could be good. in theHIDEOUT, al sensed imortalness & profound brevity, surely more US Agents be spotted & Al have toastee' reception. Al 'n HOUSE & USED TO TRICKS OF DECEPTION. Zawa Bro can think up some real schemes. US is collasping, monetarily & fuel. Workers gone. Al thinks & thinks....Peoples Republic of China, fueling up, taking in huge sums of green blacks & people, serious revolutionaries....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

on die/ discrete....

2% market will most likely be 7-=7=- 64 bit, known to faster known, maybe even 3Mp x 4 Mp Monitors will be fit in. on die stuff should be -=8=- & hope for x64 train keep s on running, to better apcpgp U level. Opti with on die gpu be great for gamer, in reality, internet user with some workstation use. hobbyist level, not cheap. discrete so outrageously priced strange 2% of world can even afford stuff, let alone rapid turnover of design.

drashek cake eater deluxe, w/ice cream.

Monday, June 13, 2011

bulldozer II

First, Streaming video/audio News is Great 7 Weekly Feature. IDG, Cool. Babes, HOT. theINQ has Stepped Up Paradigmn Shift Lever.

Like Phenom, taking over year to get to stablized land of Phenom II, Bulldozer , in my theory o' cratic world, believes that Bulldozer is held back due tolearning 3 core module stuff, maybe even greater routing & some multi coring for software, in Bulldozer. That extensive mapping & problemsolving then becomes promised by AMD Much moore complex controller core for each 3 core module. or Bulldozer II. Acer Admits about to Dump 2 million Sandy bridge Units, Cheap. So z68, Blah. Bulldozer, several years to 1972 pin perfection. Maybe less. Give them Time & they will rule world. Didn't larrabee, dumped name, Now dumped product, again, as SB product, didn't EyeTELL Ye. sadness, in basicly strong chipper. AMD APU Cuts SB basic reason for existence in FS-1 Chipset to Quick. 400/444 Mhz/s, 200/400/800 cores,gpu inside looking Good. Wheres Bulldozer when you need one. SB Cover Up in progress. Bulldozer, Under Construction. Don't Expect perfection till Prime.

von Drashek

Thursday, June 9, 2011

multi core enabled....

Although it is True that Pent 4 478 pin Dell will do pretty darn well today, with power to drive VT at head End of Server, with multi core entrenched there, Mostly High Speed Cable, Being angel from heaven. Still at Desktop, Simple equipment, Mobi & laptop devices are having Field Day.Baby Bear States:Just Right....

However, NOT All is lost, for desktop multicore.. PhysX3.0, Out few days past, promises something Every Developer Wants to Advertise. MultiCore Empowered Logic. Think of Game, on Package, With Large headline leader: Multi Core Enabled. Sales, Respect, Just Plain Demand for At SAles Point itself.

Idea is More cores more parsed interconnects in Total, NOT Just speed to Parse, Actual unique Logic Cores. Intel Plans R Chipset for xeon SB, Looks Tough to Beat. Two Way Interconnects till L3 has Now to Be Called Final Cache, AS Just to many Roads to Rome. PhysX3 Captures that Complexity, Using Multi Cores to Support Multi Actors Engines.Textures,too.

From There Multi Routes to Parse Thru Server Demands. NYTs'?, Hey, theINQ never looked better, Stop & Smell Flowers, Apple Blossoms Abound, Steve, Sir, Building Friends on theINQ Everyday, As Multi Tasks Seamlessly slip thru Multicore, supports, Surveys, Ads, pop boxes & story, Even Commentos'

Your Truely.

Signed: drashek

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chrome O/S OUT....

Why NO Commentos', Friday TGIF? Chrome O/S Is Great Stuff. Somewhere on theNET, Mention NT7 might be result of new windows -=8=-, awaiting beta preview. Watch Out, Its' HOT & Most will fail, due to hardware Limitations, Fail from 64 bit.

In Chrome notice word UpDates thats where future Lyes. Constant regroOming as Telco Presents Probs & hardware NO Dilly, ethier. Same with NT7, Wth Windows -=8=-, Constant Updates til Mobi ,Lappee' & Desktop ALL have VT Server Data Pile, DEP Enought to Form Next Step, Beyond Convergence Into Deep Muddy Waters Off Tallahachet Bridge. Like River DAT Knows Not Where IT Flowing, Never Come Back to NT6. Soon ALL Mfgs Will Eagerly Seek Chrome O/S Contracts, Putting Pretty Penny in Pocket of Those That Noticed, Cheap Mobi Signal Brings in Thousands$$$ Per anos,EACH. DESKTOPPERS:FREE.

So Chrome My Friends, It'll Never End, we Sang & Danced Lifes Way....

drashek m.d.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Faster than speed of.....

San/SAINT Box=SandBox

Micro also selling item in 300 GB & 700 GB Flavors, same tech, in August. Many of internal parts are 750,000 iops IOPS, yet final out is still TOP ~300,000 IOPS of All ~half dozen ssd Toppers, server stuff & common in Others file, yet less intergrated. About 1,500 1080P TV Signals concurant.

With blipup of greater bandwidth being prime push to slightly higher levels for pci-e machine slot today. Remember pci-e3.0 is soon enough with Intel Xeon R Series of Sandy Bridge later in year, NO , theres NOT GPU on die, sheeish. Then true 750,000 IOPS might flow thru to output in Random Tests, new models coming in 320 series are half that, today, in pci-e2.0 machine, Dah....

Now TS has something to say & Mobi
ED has Block Drashek on, so if & When, ready to Writ e.Agin. he,haw & he,he.

posted by : mooreFAST, 02 June 2011

Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2075446/texas-memory-5gb-ssd-san-box#ixzz1O8atxE25

The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit the download store today.

case 4 activation FREE Windows....

Acer, Like crowd of XP Fanbois in ''7. isn't ready for hardware turnover to 33333333 Series World coming now, well, in few months to years, as Final. Ultee' Growth is seeing new pimples arise from 2h'11 computec set, Finally.

Dell made thru horrible defective series from 2002 to today in 270/80-520 model s, Forget vista there ,crash & Burn. Yet, public Eats Rounded Capacitors up, NO Activation Required on DELL.YEA.

If Acer Ace'd MicroVole, With Free Activation, Acer Scream$$$, Too Many Orders.

7 Enterprise Was & Still IS Saving Grace For Redmound Crowd. Yet, -=8=- will take Machine to more integrated State, Sasme as -=7=-, only twice or more FAST. Probs, Hardware, yet Minimal.

Then ~2015+ NT7 & Bozo Bee Outta' Bag Agin. in meantime, Acer States What Sales Feels, Give US Activation FREE ALL Windows -=8=-,for each specific Machine.load till death. Let SunShine In & Cool Breeze Float By.


TS vondrashek computerologist.