fuzzy video Vs HD5770=$89.95....
5770 does Dx11, All top games & on sale ,NEWovium,follow links down, for Hot Price. SB going down in price,less than $100, rebranded Pentium, yet low qual graphics, i believe unacceptable clarity.Intel Not that Kind.
Fuzion OK, 5870 hasn't taken price cut 200 USeD, yet, discrete & embeded have some intresting options. Wow, 2 5770 crossfired into desktopper llano? Mybe waste of money. gibme those cores. Intel might sucker public, looking AMD got Power. At least on die gpu operates, SB just Not so great.
drashek md
posted by : updater...., 30 June 2011
Read more: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2083107/intel-increased-market-share-despite-sandy-bridge-recall#ixzz1Qmu75clV
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