Engineers Heading to BIG FootPrint just don't have gall of Arm, Really kind of Cruddy. So Arm, Yet Cripple.EZ Solution of Day.
Intel Really made Loser in Sandy Bridge, Press Just Won't Stick Neck Out & Tell Public. Notice No SB processor Ads, Nor Hype. Loser. In fact Graphics Section is So Poorly engineered, just plain Poop.
Why. Well, Intel dosn't engineer Graphics & AMD Has No Fabs, Real reason cpgpu is to cut Cost in Half, while charging full bore. Not anything Fab Wants, Puts Intel graphics sub Squat Out onto Street. Puts Amd Fab Part Glo, with half Product,Nvidia LosesAMD Screw Intel, as both gpu & cpu are on one chip, half wafers to bake, so corruption of FabWorks, less money, less quality. Big Retailers Squanch Public with same price 2 chip pricing, Intel & AMD Double profit, from defective intended by chipper.
AMD is NOT anywhere near as bad as Sandy Bridge, just behind. Thanks to Squirm thinking HKMG to LKMG was spoof & having to redo 65nm to 45 nm twice, by backasswarding know system.
Leaving AMD 10 nm Short. Mobile APU is Deneb & never made to do APU, Eventually, Stepping with go beyond Bulldozer core to Full BULLDOZER. AMD is worh more present share pricing.-settling with Intel. World is Fool & Money No Object, Nor Quality, Nor anything Grab & Grab Some Moore.
Next year will set AMD up & Intel has done FinFet Dance since long time ago, wheneverIntel starts to fall apart. Pentium, new cpu that looks like city on chip, skyscrapers....etc. finfet started in mid to late 1960s', then fets where dropped, too much field, not enough signal for heat. now at menute scale, well, time will tell. that time seems to be on AMD Side, developeing two way cache crossbar, expanded into entire 2 way module of cpu, well done gpu on die, final frontier, glofo.
Intels' one hope. Chipset R on Xeon line, also 2 way crossbar cpu NO,GPU., yet beware likes of barfalonia setback, over year out.
Sole Owner: AMD&Intel...IBM+if its' listed, its'Mine.