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Monday, September 27, 2010


SEHK #1.   
Driving motorized gyro might sound mysterious & fun, NOT. GasMilage be about 1,000 gallon per Mi.
Risk of Severe Damage due to operator, Machinry or Others, like recuring trail just rePluck or OutRight forced Decption Are GREAT. Over1% per Kill,,,,Inhandicapations.
One Legged Peoples Cann't Drive Segway, Is That Hon Presidential Option. Dueling Priencessettes' On White House Lawn. News Reporting, Like Filmaking often Takes several years to Publish.
Hard Ball Face Up. Looks Like Razor Wire Sport Upon Children, Often, When Big Spot will GOLD Finers.
OLD Buttons, Matee', Nothing Victim Did Could Account for Tragic Loss.
-=But=- WheelBarrow, Like Flour Sack On Loins, Depriving Mankinds Weapers, Steale wheelBarrouwgh From Flour Mill C&O. HA.
Then Skaggleaway.Big George, Big BAD George.
vondrashek Skagglepuss.
posted by : Creamed in Abu Dash ek...., 28 September 2010


HiHo Silver & Away....   
Kem o Sabee'. Bicycles Have high degree of Monitoring. PerhAPS Jimboz had follower, with GOOD Optics. Opteron Gun, RED Spot Sensitive 100% Accurate @ 1,000 yates.
You Kill goose & iDO youGander. yes,yes. Often Have NO Remorse.
EASCAPE Hatch, RUNing, Jumping Swinging & Hide. 5 days to TrainTime. Jimmevon,jimmi vaughn, How Are Your Stone. Holey Water To Boot.
Amacabraniuis, Commexco,Yabba.
Next Time Sent Kidds.With Wii Video.
vondrashek Md.
posted by : Coke Cheese & Sandwich,toasted. Meat & Dairy incl., 28 September 2010


Hon George Visitor Becomes Gravel At Ranch....   
Just because writing this from future makes Spaz Talking Onion Blush, ALL Really True.
How Many Hon Georges' Can Claim To Killed Visitor by Showing OFF slickway. First Cattle Butchery, Not nessesarily Arbituer.
Then Momentus Words, Georges Vs. Hassins. One Man Bout, One OutCome. In WW Segway was way professor could minimize Contact With  Recent Escapees' & Get Promos.
Now Way to Topple Heads of Steak, due to Hardware Limitations. Turning due to increased resistence Is Hardly Computing.
Result:theGOLD SteWieGATE....
posted by : SethWay IIIiIIII...., 28 September 2010

segway donner....

Theres ad showing mountain bike losing front wheel & cascading down mountain,With Bycyclist, landing perfectly on missing wheel & reattaching. Thats NOT Luck Here.
Heres link to Intresting UK Story: 
SegWay was Popular subject @ theINQ & another Lamblasted by Self. Stateing, Like RoTan, Segway Is Old & Dangerous. Used by University Staff to Run Over Students & Worse. Now Another Victim, New seg Company Owner. Maybe Hummer been better Exploration Vechile. Police Nabbed two wheel gyro from corspe, figures Don'ut, As Defective Unit might cause dead owners Estate Loss to Dead Owners Estate.
Leeds Is Mining Company, Once Tried to Date sarah LeedHolm, Yet Too Frigid. Made Nice Christian Lithos' Though. By time Lithos where Printed 15 Years Latter, Sarah has Passed. BAD Luck Company Seeking Bad Luck.
red'r Seene Movie, & Experience'd Grotesque Result. BE WARNED.
vondrashek  RollarBall.

posted by : Flying Nun...., 27 September 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Toot Sweet & IE9 Worked, Once....
If did hair & teeth at same time, Now that BE Efficient. YeOoow, Shampoo dripping into mouth as fingers trade high speed drill back & forth. Maybe good thing for travelers, 3 bucks & quick rinse.rr Red RINSE.hA,HAaaa.
does phenop ,too, keeps straight edge by side. Now for IE9, tried on 790 & All got was wrong Service Pack. Moved to 690 during area wide cable shutdown, mistakening problem as here, HA.
Well,After internet started up again, most partitions did same, Wrong SP, yet one, which mistakenly loaded Dutch ver. IE9 into machine, as cursor moved from English up to Dutch.ess, wouldn't load, next tried wrong O/S vista instead of -=7=-. oops, ifinally tried -=7=- 32 in english & almost got thru. when restarted machine, later, came back up with IE9. Now thats genuine confusing.
yet, html was bit rough for 15 minutes,  smoothed out & seems better.(anything to avoid daily Flash updates) FAVs  take old favs in, uses Star on Right for display favs buTTON. MOVED side start up bar to right. Everything is like pundits report, heres' Point. Maybe dutch version of IE9 uses Service Pack from type of -=7=- O/S instaled. Multi/all language pack. Try that, Slappy.
vondrashek md
posted by : Poo...., 25 September 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010


•thomasxstewart - 24 Sep 02:55 .did bit of research on INQ, Company started in 1828 in Hong Kong & went British. Heres details, Plus link backs to INQ, started in 2008, as subsiduary.

Hutchison Whampoa


Finally wrestled from English Hands while back. HK, Once grocer in Los Angeles, & others, are in mix. Most high tem.

3phone. Fre'. Service available in London,England with Twit,FB,Skype & LastFM(CBS), ALL Built In. Neat Camera Built In & Nice website for INQ.

vondrashek INQee'

• thomasxstewart - 24 Sep 03:03 .Addmendeum. On Island in Hong Kong there is City named: Aberdeen, Thats Hutchinson Whompoa Home.

Original Dock Side Organiztion was by: msr. Clague.

Clague, Nixboc, Baratu.

Entire group has ties to Myamar Milatary Extremeist, Death Camp Generals,of Sorts.

vondrashek again.

Read more: http://www.techeye.net/mobile/facebook-working-on-two-smartphones-with-inq-mobile#ixzz10TztFKLL

bad volt....

otp: GM VOLT Downgraded to 25 Mile Range....

AMD Might Have Troubles, yet General Motor Company got Last Movements with Last rites cutting Volt useage range from 40-50 miles down to merely 25 miles useful range before recharging. $40,000.00 unit, better named Useless.

That Was It might be movie title. AMD Will continue to sling, bling & zing; while GM becomes used vechile parts manufacturer? seems incredible, yet ALL Hopes where hitched to Volt.

Song: No Go Show Boat.

vondrashek RacerX

posted by : off topic poster...., 24 September 2010

50% off lcd....

LCD Prices FALL 50% Thru Christmas....

32" Is Coming At Red'r for low shot 199$ until channel clears of surplus. Some of that surplus can be blamed on 3D.

Black Friday, 32-inch LCD TVs will drop to an average price of between $249 and $299, with the best deals as low as $199, according to a prediction from research firm iSuppli. The 32-inch LCD TVs currently sell for $349 to $399, on average, with the cheapest model (Emerson's LC320EMX) selling for $300 today.

The forecasted price plunge stems from an enormous surplus of LCD panels that has accumulated over the first nine months of the year. Eat Turkey & Ham, In fron of New BestBuy 32"'er & Be All Googbly for week Ender. Pilgrims compact. Buy Cheap, Own Moore. Do try to slide by high Hz & 3D, unless display Is Convincing or Price Crushing. Try to Get Tuner & internet conectiveity built in, if helps Red'r. Then Plugs In & Go Straight to: theINQ, Never Change Channel, Again. did you see new calumet girl photos on video? for price saving, throw in PVR, to keep track of ALL Those Filees', Rule 1.) Every Image of QEII, as Number 1.

vondrashek IIX.

posted by : T.V. WholeSale...., 24 September 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

from Youth to Grad in 6 Years....

w/rca vid out.

theINQ phone & blockbuster....

Blockbuster Finally Dips to Bankruptcy....

Long Expected, now reality. Here from UK Gurdien:

loss-making DVD rental chain Blockbuster filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the US today, after being hammered by mail-order and online film rental services.

But the 25-year-old company should swiftly re-emerge after a restructuring deal was agreed with creditors, who include the billionaire veteran US investor Carl Icahn.

Icahn is among a number of bondholders who will swap debt for equity in a revamped company that should see borrowings slashed from $900m to little more than $100m (£64m).

He owns about a third of Blockbuster's senior loan notes, but stepped down as a director of the company six months ago to play a major role in restructuring talks.

Blockbuster's "pre-arranged" bankruptcy protection move is designed to give it time to recapitalise its US operations and to focus on its online business

Collaspe started in 1994 with 8.4 $$$Billion Purchased, that Never got above water line.

Thinq of Cool Red White & Black theINQ Tableto phone, Use to Relay in /stories or even commentos'. Like Old Days, 3AM Wireline Starts Up. Ummmm, Fakebook & theINQ, All in One Package. Have direct to: theINQ button.

Blockbuster, named ?after WW Bomb & Only vcr rental Corp left in business, won't afect 600 outlets in UK. just 3,500 in USA.

Now world catches Up, Using famed monacure's, such as: theINQ or blockbuster, theBOMB that mistakenly blew up WW Swing dance band leader. Old Pundits, with New Material. Hopefully compliment on Notoriotity of Originator.

World Slows Down, World speeds Up.

MAYBE COMPLIMENT FOR PUTTING UP WITH yE 'oLE ME. Fianlly, thought on True Pirate Talk, Rx: onLine.Ha.ha,ha OMG.

vondrashek theINQ'ster....

posted by : Speaking INQ...., 23 September 2010

post contest....

Write for Washington Post....

Where Are Great Names When You Need Them? Opportunity to write 400 word story & 100 word paragraph, at Washington Post, deadline1Oct. Here:


Must declare article is NOT Swelepe'd from another, someting sounds fishee' here, as ALL Commentarians' are Swiped. yet, for charlee',Mike,Eva,Sylv,Andrew,Nick, Oh, So Many TOP Writers, Now Displaced by Economic Misfortune, Another Chance rises from Ashe of Old South, in Print.

then double boogee' & print submission Here, in theINQ.

vondrashek byebyeLiner.

ps sPANISH lAW aLLOWS no cITIZEN any RIGHTS aT all. oNLY gODS' lAW OR sOME oVERwHELMING FORCE, sUSTAIN TRUTH, SO FORGET ABOUT aRTISTS' rIGHTS. Most supposed right holders arn't artists' at ALL.Swelped be thy name. C STeWie.

posted by : Dr. Commentos...., 23 September 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


good,bad & ugly....

Same 'Ole MicroSabatouge....

Experience Same as Listee'. Can Ruin -=7=-64 Entirely. Heres' UpBeat Pic:


Isn't that nice. onLine Pharma Holster, errr, STuff.

Not sure $199 to Republic of mexico amtrak ticket, 2 weeks 20dec to jan 15 preferred & some $20 Youth Hostel make 2x$300 anos Rx limit worth more in exam, in value & social ingrediant.$100Rx=$30Mx. dates make two years of duty free in few days around new year day.

So IE9, probably wait or BUY Installed on New Machine.MICROSOFT iS kNOWn ie bETA OFENDER, TObring on need for new equip thru breakage.

vondrashek CHIEF Pharmacist US A.IE9 Div.

posted by : Take that:BatGirl...., 21 September 2010


OnLine Pharamcy Delivers Rx Meds.

In tricky Game of Hop Scotch, Rx medication order on 29Aug delivered today by fed ex. Wasn't Republic of Mexico, Nor Domain of Canada, Pharamacy from local state shipped, looking like Walgreen bottle.

Took Conversation with Customer Service Identifying MD Whom orginally wrote script & passed away in 2005. yet got filled. Price AVERAGE & Visa put item on awaiting activation,yet money charged. now NO appearence of order, as activation wait timed out.Very Private. Did take money, even pharmacy name switched about, like tornado captive, yet did ship with medical interview during customer service conversation week ago. So Good & Hair Raising.

Can Game Do That. Welllll. Real Life Game,Did.

First Order was from Pharmarxdirect.com. Apparently owner was sentence to prison for Wireline Fraud last month & payment from visaa goes thru Gilbraltuer, an English Colony.

BestBuyRx is $$$ front. SoAmazingly complex. Eye Hope Medicine in tabs.

Next For Mutagen Cream & Screamingly Painfu....SCi1,GR1,LV1, VTm1.Go.

von drashek PlaceboHead..

posted by : Doc Tar 'n House...., 21 September 2010

online pharmacy delivers....

Monday, September 20, 2010

cuil quits

yet, band marches on.

Amazing Feat, too BAD 'nvestor didn't Save cuil, though , in attempt to cull unique links, Cuil'd.

Advaanced Vector Extensions, We Want Virtulizaton. AVxVt. thats w/ tricky input, with precode & code Fetches.plus new stuff in three parts.hummmmmm.

Cuil mustah missed mark more often than moving from 80 bit controller to 256 bit . 30% better, help with hughee pile, maybe theres hack inSide,oppps., get Pertinent.

Keeping UP With Times, Whadya Life.

vondrashek DD over 75 'rillion Reglious experiences.

posted by : RIP POPPA Cuil...., 20 September 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

pirate speak day....

19Sept Shine ?Whistle to Pirate Speak....

LANd IS So Yesterday, Pirate Speak on Sunday, Koranmendt. Aaaaaaar. Thats' Swing Buck'o. Hers Some Cracked Pirate Speak:

Ahoy there, matey! This be a no-hornswogglin' zone."

"Arr! Who be ye?"

"Arrg! Silly pickleEaters!"

"Arrr! It's a pirate's life for me!"

"Avast ye filthy land lubbers! Prepare to be boarded!" outer space speak.

"Avast! I be a pirate this day!"

"Drink up, me hearties!"

"Ho there, cap'n! Buy me a grog, eh?"

"I be a pir *hic*. I be a pir *hic*. I be a pir *hic*. I shteal things."

"I like the cut of yer jib."

"Me booty! Who took me booty!"

"Sit down on the deck, mate! Rough seas ahead


posted by : Capt'n....Crunch'd., 18 September 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

LG Phone

Page Plus LG ,10 Cents/mn CC

only dollars month keeps LG phone in active use.

vondrashek 2022539295

posted by : Pagette...., 17 September 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Adobe falls out of bed, Lands on floor....

IE9 vid. demo was STrong. so powerful commentos' spent 1/2 time on graphic discrete as boost. takin power to make powerful stuff. about 6~x range of usefulness.on note book

IE9 demands narrow guidelines now, somedaY be as HOT as Pestol. glad hope for one morque....moe.

vondrashek high speed slide away....

posted by : ULTEE'., 16 September 2010


Huge Points Missed by: Press@IDF....

First; let Clear Record, Sandy Bridge Is NOT Larrabee. From Days of Sandy Bridge first announcement, with two nm structure, Intel has emphasized this gpu is beyond....IE9 Is Beyond in Demo.

However, What About Stability. Isn't That BIG Point of IDf'010, vPro & ALL. Up to 9.5x

Faster Execution.


Business Jargon. All units have VT & some VTx. Now Today from Winter'1'.

Hazewell or haz.well. hazeleyes or LaHaze, gone from dev roadmap, replaced by SB. Larrabee' was feature, sb is Primo home unit.

Oughts = 0

vondrashek @msn.com

posted by : hidden details...., 16 September 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

IE9 Beta....

did not install....

first attempt blew partition thru wall, into hall & further than recoverable, result on poor partition.

next: partition had wrong service pack. next won't do 32 bit into 64 bit system, step back to vista, won't complee install.


vondrashek :(

posted by : vic tim...., 15 September 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

waiting....$159 Sandwich.

Sativa-Z Kat Sup, SupertDuRai....

Im Inneon Fac that being at Others Developement Forum is Shallow Legalities. sb has moblie chipper, too. being asmicro as amd mobile sgpu cpu combos.

sb has duel gps, so start at TOP, Stay at TOP. its' seasonal Expression.

LaSouzah-theDOZER has unique whirly Mill, Old & Southern, awaiting Software writers, especially v9800 crowd, with UpSideDown Vision, Growing Third Eye, from earlobe.

Crowd Cheers, SilverLight, Html5, h.264? Anything thatPump windows 7<64 to new heights. Mediate Me.

vondrashek lappee' Ultimat.

posted by : +Prof of Moronics'...., 11 September 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

bad flash64

a.dopee' RUINS 64bit design....

Skip word IE64, skip word, 64. in fact adobe is 1995 or bust. Thats what will happen, machine breaks iN media due completely adobe BAD design.PERMANENT DEWDEW software,world likes 64bit,NOT ADOPEY.

vondrashek e' link dolby

posted by : King Crud...., 09 September 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

is Scale OverEmphasized....

Way Back 4004 was 1,000 nm. by 386/486, slipped to 270 nm, by hammer & K8, 135/90 nm . thats 20 years to drop to 1/4 size, not 36 months. 16 years to drop to 1/4 again, faster reduction, yet design can be seen as forefront. scale running out 2day, why hasten, when effective qulity of engineering is best.

GO SLOW. Plenty of time, yet seems 45 nm & below is DO OVER. So why not go,go thru IT again, in meantime, sub 32 will become reliable. at least talkin' High k/G.

better material makes better processor & low K will be saving grace, yet, too fast. time will aid design.

drashek TimeMastro.

posted by : N=Ferrous....., 06 September 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

IVECO & Eye....

Pre Labor Day Confessions....

SJ, How Many Time. MOre'Important to theINQ, How did RA:Sameas Self, stand so long, with SB, Shabull, of Ultimat. Lets Me Tell You Story of Social Networking.

Todays Newly Arising intenet, Offer Traditional Social Network, Stupid & PreJack'd, if worth anythanger. Well, Real Social Network Is Face On FaCE Local Home Town. Can be Developed, yet Moerr Fast,FLIRT one on one, in park, on camp out, near artic floatilly of ICE. In Person, Heres' One On One, too. two people, one comatoslaseementos' other, fascinated IN near future. YOUb.EARL.

How Did Wonder drashek, get to theINQ. BOB IVES. San Diegos' OWN Imperial Beach, Richard Nixon, 1972 & Long Ride Catalina, then 1980 m.ex

Oops, Bob& I talked Over Some H.E.P. Talk, while livng 6 Weeks on Beach Cottage, IVES Was Answer & ran good decade, Best Truck in Business, with UpFront Windshield that lead directly to theROAD. BOB Was My Stewart in US Navy while implementing USS DENVER.

Tha Was Social Networking. Rreal Stuff. LAterr While with Official Paperwork & Uniform & Truck, NOT Even Near 32nd Street Habor, imaginary networking, Sinker. Now With MY add on Jaws, Glup so slurpee' sound, Salutations from deck of USS Missouri to USS Denver. 1999

Commandant Me, Speaking.

Next, INVERNESS AKA Nbc. Here, Part of Incisieve, Yet incibsieve Network is Far Beyond ONE Burbank Bolling 'alley StudiolleyG IVESincisive yet gift IS Gift & thats ALL ye Get, Till Internet Social Networking Clobbers IN.

Ready build vague FOG or Amorphous Cloud of Character, on Iternet, Hussee' never Care, yet, social familularity of How To Somewhere in Average Social Discourse. Right Here, On theINQ. BobIverson, electronics,XRAY.NetNever Go to VA Hospitol. Proved over&over.

Fun to get inside,inside. Plain green ?alsss, walk in equipment, sure NOT Holiday Inne.

Now Worlds Inne+13Doag Faog REcupitations. Social First, theSOCIALE'. My News Print, imaginary.

Prints is parring Down from Roar of GibberCharlieEraowlNick, find Great Month & Gibber Social theFERRRAT Commentary, one huge Santa Sling.SoCiAl.

Live Action As Commentate By Players.

posted by : TS IVES....&Suns., 05 September 2010

HERmine & IGOR, tough ROW....


tWO storms, BOTH surronded BY Clutter.  BATTLESHIPS, destroyers & cRAFT cARRYERS 'n ORANGE..,

Friday, September 3, 2010

faster SD Flash....

Fast As Compact SD Flash & orc 8 core....

Latest card to Stuff into SD Slot:

Toshiba’s new cards will offer write speeds of up to 80MB/s and read speeds of up to 95MB/s which makes these the fastest SD cards to date .

Well, 5 Mb/s Faster than not well accepted Compact FLASH, xcept among Pro crowd.

Now rumor pics have cleared & Faud found that Orc Bulldozer shot was 8 core. think pundits could count. first tallied as 4 core, then Fraud screamed nationwide & 6, finally last word. 8 Cores, just bad Seating position threw fuzzy beastees' pic into tailspinner.

If sb did Graphis impossible, Fuzion may be One Upper Step. Like Daneile doing Z over Ocean, New cpugpu combos are anybodies guess.ZE'cate round & round, where STop , We ALL Cam & Camera in device with Fastest SD makes Video on Lower End GOOD, Now Fresh Meat for 'd Wire. Get Latestest GaGa Here,theMileons Hark, Ankle Closeups. Tango With US.

vondrashek One cut Under Songser.
                                       Sylv, theMUMMEE'. Sylvia Barak, RCR Wireless.

posted by : Moore Wey...., 03 September 2010

4 GB Micro usb....

microUSB=512Mb.,Supreme Course Starts....

Summer NOT Over, Just Rest Period. Maybe Swirl of Start Up again seems HOT & Disappointing, yet Once TreadMill Starts, Stay Up With IT. Cram Pasquele' intosomething, seemingly stuck in USB Port. Or Ready Boost. Now 4 Gb into that tenee' Weenie Place, Most have never lookd at slots inside USB Slot, they are Small, berry small seed comes huge bush, with Food attached.

Fill up space with Instructors Whines. Pat Pend, USB 4GB Micro card recorder. Power by hearing aide battery. less than 50 Cent piece in Space.

Tie Clip on Model Extra. With 4 Gb micro, ADD Video. Now Thats Cheap, Small Movee'.

vondrashek Frosh Plebe' EN. for Ry of Lifetime, Infinertom. Number 0 Pledge PIN. House of Dancing Hyenas. Tom Arryo Is Another Day.

Micro In Pocket, Must Pledge Fraternity or Sorority In First Week of Class. ALL Acceptees' Welcomed. Alpha, Beta,Delta,Epsilon, Gamma,Honor Student Gravy Train Rites, abound.CHEAT.

BTW In Washington,Dc Both Candidates for dem Ticket Came From Same Fraternity. 30 years apart. GotThat Wittil Card.

posted by : Micro Small...., 03 September 2010


We Kant Back Down....

This Is Serious, We Cann't Back Down. You,Me, Like Fire, Consumed In Flames. Building Chivary inside. HOPE YOUR READY FOR TIME OF YOUR LIFE. Put Your Hands to Skype.

We're Ready For 2nite, Rocky, Its' oN. Not Right Now. We Kant Write Down. Don't Close Your i, WE'ra ALL In this Together, Into theMUSIC. Right for 'd Flames.

Its' Not Happening. Go,go,Go. Nobodies Goona Get Next to Me. Into theDOUGH. Under My ConTrol, FIRE. Hero Of Word i Saywer, Fire In2 Glade, Tommy 'nDie. iBEAt out Heat in Every Song iSay'd. Gleam in i. Take you for Ry. TAKE U, TAKE YOU, Hi.

Kray Z, Krazy z Onto the Ride.

Guilden & RED All Over:Roxanne.


Lets' GO. BOW lOWe.

Camp Rock II. C Disney Studio.

posted by : Roxanne....Diamonds Cross theRIVER., 03 September 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6 core server

hammer time....

Kids, ITS' Hammer Time....

Bump bita Bump,MC Hammer. 47 State St, Home of HiGirl, home of west coast US navy, SafeWay, If Your Pinner, Just Settle Down.

El Presidio, Fort George Mason, SF Stock Market, Chlorox & others caustic sodash mines, Mercury Mines, Site of 1847 Bear Rebellion, Lead by Captain John Charles Freemont. USA, first Govenor of California, Ran for Hon President 1856, Hon Govenor of Arizona 1870. Whew. Hey- How about Sticky Mouse Pad. Got Ya.

Rod Serling,Jack London, Patty Hearst,netbeans, autodesk,Macworld @ mosconee', Wharfs, San Francisco Sound, Burning Man, Jerry now dead,Winterland,Montery bay,

Oops, there i Go Again, Left My Heart in San Fran cisco. mouse tales, Animatronics, ... drashek II OPIUM DENS,transexuals 'n castro district,....

posted by : Old, Yet Enthusiastic...., 02 September 2010


DidEye Mention....

Just left link on 90 nm flash, eeprom thangee'. meaning READ Only & bit 'o cross talk on Milpitas where FREEscale is located, so just to Add, Nick Ferral ,Sylvia Barak,1967 Psycodelic sounds, Silicon valley, Brandon st Studios, Pan Handle Park & jimi Hendrick show, Haight ashbury. Creedence clearwater revivial, Twin Towers, china town, oakland & EveryWhere, MyMarriott, iBe Doctor at:12 Office st in White House. well, so many, donut forget 1906 Fire, ALL Accros bay.Nude Beaches ,too.

Drashek md

posted by : Paladin...., 02 September 2010

new flash...

Thin Film Flash....

Thin Film also is part of 28 nm conf, however thin film is 90 nm & raad only eprom here:


freescale is Milpitas ,Ca thats near Mill Valley where Coppola, Silverstein& Speilberg Lived also palm Pilot. Right next to:Sausalito & tiburon, Where Grace Slick Lives& runs Vet Store.everybody Else Is In San Rafael. Me,Too.Lucas, Cheech Marinsteve martin,Speilberg,Tommy chong,Rock stars by dozens, Claymation, John Charles FRE'MONT Olympi Ranch, HG Welles , Ansel Adams, R.I.A. (radio itale' America, 1918- on Marin Milatary academy) oh so many, this freead placed by:Mork. crosby,D., GOLDEN.GATE.BRIDGE. thinqs about IT.

Ima in Moog for Lug....alcatraz & San Quentin.(both in use) plus New 8 story prison/hospitol.too,cool.

vondrashek BFA and brain surgeon.

posted by : Chips Ahoy...., 02 September 2010

ibm 196 z

Where Are HeadLights....

Really Getting Tired of Name Robbee'.

RU dave?


Certainly refreash of 116 Billion Transistors Isn't BAD. Add DS8000 for Mumuree' & whadya Get? Ummm,minced dave. Coin toss on Best Smiling Shield Coin In World, Till NOW.

posted by : H.A.L. 2000...., 02 September 2010 6,400 year old coin appx 1 oz.

bridge Vs. bull....

Sandy Grudge Best....

First Main improvement is Herald'd, Vector Extensions, Vx. Bulldozer also has Vx. However, Sandy has VxVt or Vertulization of Vx, Deeper Mapping of NEW Item.

Certainly there is Massive Differences in Two New Models. InterLargos Vs Sandee'.

SB Seems to Have GPU on Die thats Paned out much more powerful than first skeptical pundits hailed. Just cost of 5450 saves bundle on sandy & since more gamers may not be possible, family can be satisfied Best CPU ,for them, in Business.

Next Intel does Hyper Threading ,While AMD Does Hypertransport. HyperThreading Is Much Better, Intel Processors work much smoother than Hyper Transport. If Os Stack Build is bit shakey & sticky, Hyper Threading will make that less, eventually, anybuild can be corrupted.

Hyper transport will always have glitches & problems.

Sacmo Sandy, Folk legend for Family, perhaps even lower performance point cost, given $150 SB Can beat Intels Extreme Processor family, With Ease. 2800, yet to see specs, might be Monster of Good Thing.

Filled with Benifits & Kindness. Bulldozer has Server in 2 core modules, while desktop has 3 core modules, as Eva Stateed here Yesterday. Both Good for Specific Uses. Mobile has ity bity chips, first seen yestrday at Global Foundry Exhibition.

What Better Choice Could Public Want. drashek for Hon President. Yes,yes?

posted by : Sandee' Scher DMV Executive...., 02 September 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

fakers & gaston....

Dirsect Communications With God....

One thing State Change Does Work, III-V. Thats pushing Electrons from 3rd tier to 5th tier, increase of electrical or Energy State, Molecules remain Same, Also change back to Valence 3 when voltage is lowered.

Here, Suggsted that entire State of Matter Is Changeable in Efficent Way from Cystal solid to semi solid, if that be term. liquid to solid crystal, NO. Not in controlable low heat,narrow voltage range with useable out. Why have any input just white noise for output. in fact, why not just light machine on Fire. Entire Molecule must change dramatically, that takes fantastic levels of energy ,often over long periods of time. Cooling anit so fast, ethier. Another bug wants money from def,dumb&blinded. Stupid 'Tronics, Be Thy Name.

Even Fire King say Dupe. yabba dabba dooooo. heres latest on GasTon, daniele gone from US radar, so good luck wherever Daneile runs out of storm. Earl, still in CAT4, nice for those whom may not know of much of US East Coast, now. When hits news , already expert.

Fiona just stayed in mid atlantic ocean. Now Gaston is forming. in same path as EARL,Daneile & fiona, yet in mid ocean & heading straight into carribean. Those Lovely WeatherBugs Holding onto Palm trees, Waving Like Flags. Heady Good News Reporting, Almost War Zone Like. CAT2 for Gaston, next week.

Believe 'ole drashek, thats better than faker spiffing red'r on gobly gook.

posted by : Gods' Mama...., 02 September 2010

tablet show wed....

3 Questions, Oh, propheteers....

Fist Tomoorow try to get theSTEVE to discuss upcoming SB & Bull role in Apples Desktop/Server Lineup. iMac, so to speak.

Next, by moving time&charges from right speakerphone to left, ummm. lynne, just little feel for card?ehhhh.

Lastly & Most embarressening, for troops denied. iPAD with real Rx built in. Make Plastic case of Gradumet Stuff, with Real Desoxyn in IT. Yes,yes? oh, ya. thatll perk 'Em Up. Instant Cafe'.

vondrashek md

posted by : LynnsBundles....., 01 September 2010


Best August Yet....

Hey, How about iMacPro. What World+Jobs needs in Second Gen Dualee'. Gib Me Apple Green Candy. Gib Me Shows, Gib Me....

On youtube shows seem unstable in delivery, if show flips off, guess lose dollar.If turns off again, lose two dollars, OMGosh.

In August 2006 Conroe Was New Baby. Dual core Headliner,, then few months latter X2, split from hip. Simease. Sure All that Stuff can be iMac'd now. W/lettuce,tomatoe & onion, hold 'd relish,Please.

Affa So long, Now Second Generation Has Toe Hold In Mind of public. Ummm, Smell that Grilling Flavor. Little people like US can now make iPhone Server & Conquer Known World. Matt D Did.


Bet Matt Wishes Despartely for iMacPro Candy Apple Green Model, Right now. Weepers, poor Matt, ALL Those Followers & less article churn than Ever. Matt, Are Ye Thunking.

Matt Worked at Columbia Broadcast Service on Sunset Blvd, Got in bit of Tissel & Starts Own Service, D R. Anyone Can,Funny Matt dosn't Sell TV Shows. Funny Mike Don't iHad small Dvd disc, mini, ALL for self, yet Big Hurdle Is to do anything.

Everyone wants to go to San Francisco Now, Maybe Move Back. Find Everywhere & Sylv & have MY Own Tris', ALL From Wonders of Internet. or Dubba Steve & Sylv, Everywhere & Tom V. Wow, Then Raid Mike or Nick or both with iPhone Gang, yea, at midnight. So much to Do, So little Time.

AMD Is Falling on Stock thanger, Hatchet Job Didn't Sit Well. Buy 'Em,Sell 'Em, Job 'Em.

vondrashek md

posted by : Bigger Mac...., 01 September 2010


No, Michele, Tuesday was Newsrelease fron Hp....

Carla Couldn't Resist STeWie, Oh, Wow. Bark,Bark. Gottta Get Collar On That Girl. Can Red'r See US Senate Office Packed With Printer Cartridges. Fondle Them, Sniff Them. ummmmm.

Ever Since Denise Packer Died, Been Bit Standoffish on Family.

Ok Michele, heres Facts,Jacklette. On Monday NYT announced News Conference At Hewlitt Packard for Tuesday, Going over memresistors as Hope for Futures. Futures as in Imagined & Impossible. Like Date With Karlsbad.

So Buzy, So Many New Friends, no Time For Technical Details.

Say, Michele, My Bell, Que An Son ,Wang e' Bong ics, Ehhhhh? Next Paul Be Commentos'

Drashek Electrically Exciting....

posted by : Carlas' Memresistor...., 01 September 2010