Pre Labor Day Confessions....
SJ, How Many Time. MOre'Important to theINQ, How did RA:Sameas Self, stand so long, with SB, Shabull, of Ultimat. Lets Me Tell You Story of Social Networking.
Todays Newly Arising intenet, Offer Traditional Social Network, Stupid & PreJack'd, if worth anythanger. Well, Real Social Network Is Face On FaCE Local Home Town. Can be Developed, yet Moerr Fast,FLIRT one on one, in park, on camp out, near artic floatilly of ICE. In Person, Heres' One On One, too. two people, one comatoslaseementos' other, fascinated IN near future. YOUb.EARL.
How Did Wonder drashek, get to theINQ. BOB IVES. San Diegos' OWN Imperial Beach, Richard Nixon, 1972 & Long Ride Catalina, then 1980 m.ex
Oops, Bob& I talked Over Some H.E.P. Talk, while livng 6 Weeks on Beach Cottage, IVES Was Answer & ran good decade, Best Truck in Business, with UpFront Windshield that lead directly to theROAD. BOB Was My Stewart in US Navy while implementing USS DENVER.
Tha Was Social Networking. Rreal Stuff. LAterr While with Official Paperwork & Uniform & Truck, NOT Even Near 32nd Street Habor, imaginary networking, Sinker. Now With MY add on Jaws, Glup so slurpee' sound, Salutations from deck of USS Missouri to USS Denver. 1999
Commandant Me, Speaking.
Next, INVERNESS AKA Nbc. Here, Part of Incisieve, Yet incibsieve Network is Far Beyond ONE Burbank Bolling 'alley StudiolleyG IVESincisive yet gift IS Gift & thats ALL ye Get, Till Internet Social Networking Clobbers IN.
Ready build vague FOG or Amorphous Cloud of Character, on Iternet, Hussee' never Care, yet, social familularity of How To Somewhere in Average Social Discourse. Right Here, On theINQ. BobIverson, electronics,XRAY.NetNever Go to VA Hospitol. Proved over&over.
Fun to get inside,inside. Plain green ?alsss, walk in equipment, sure NOT Holiday Inne.
Now Worlds Inne+13Doag Faog REcupitations. Social First, theSOCIALE'. My News Print, imaginary.
Prints is parring Down from Roar of GibberCharlieEraowlNick, find Great Month & Gibber Social theFERRRAT Commentary, one huge Santa Sling.SoCiAl.
Live Action As Commentate By Players.
posted by : TS IVES....&Suns., 05 September 2010