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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Medicinal Marihuana....

My Family Owned Circus, George Washington Parker Circus At: Abilene,Kansas In Rear of Dwight Eishenhower Hon Presidential Library. Now Bankrupt & Remade as: Charles Wallace Parker Circus, Today.

In Old Days, Hon Supreme Court Justice Jay Parker esq Was part of Family.

Ammonialude Is Compund Raved By Edgar Allen Poe & Marihuana Sold By Circuses, Worldwide. Cannabis sativa L. Circus Animals Eat Stuff, yet selling vast amounts to people whom are, well, double talked from their money in Ring Toss & Other games, isn't ?smart, as anti Depressive reaction is Extreme.

yet, if Visitor wants Ammonialude & will take Ammonialude directly home, after Circus, Price was 5 Pounds for $5. Comes in small wooden cask, about size of half gallon milk bottle. Well Sealed. Ammonialude is very much Nitrogen based Soild that rapidly gasifies, same as canabinol.

That is Active ingrediant thing, perhaps, Stripping Oils, Waxes & Varnishes from nerve Sheath. Patients memory goes, bye bye. Not real harmful to body than any mild toxin, yet b balanced complex, taken before bedtime helps restore body from fatique 7 washes out resultant Toxoplasmosis. takes several days rest for every day Medicinal Marihuana is smoked.

Other chemically enhanced varities, using Marihuana as presursor drug can be made, Hash, THC being primary, new Chemical that is manufactured from Ammonialude. tetra means processed 5 times from original & NOT same chemical at ALL, strenght is Tremendous, less than 1/2 gram is Raving Psychopath.. That too, was Animal Tranquilier.

Hash being Easier Form of Storage & more Freezable for long term Storage, Burning Hotter, Swelling Brains more. Storage is Minus35F In Extremely well Sealed Container, losing 25% of Potency Each /Decade. Less Cold Rapidly reduces Storage length. Poorly Sealed Is Hopeless ,as Molecules are So Prone to gassify & escape container. Super sealing Tape ALL over Container helps, Lots.

For Most Advanced, Adding Pressure to Container helps prevent drying & DiEthlyamide gas added Before resale Also reFreshens

Leaf, to soft oily state. Skunk weed is Clover oil, basicly same Ammonilude from white clover flowers . That too can be smoked raw & is Same effect. Clover Oil Is Completely legal, Law Misidentifies Substance as Marihuana, to prevent sale. Rudalais is also legal. Todays Marihuana Dispensaries Sell Clover Based Active Ingrediant, to Get Around Legal question, Technically. You Are Diagnosed: Hypochondriatic & MD, Subjected To Wrath, Ecept own Signatory, who isn't MD & Has NOTHING to Lose.

Clover oil Will Cause Retina of Eye to Dislocate from back of eye, Temporarily & BAD. CAN CAUSE PERMANENT BLINDNESS, WITH LONG TERM USEAGE. Also Any Methyl componets in smoke can be Harmful, especially to eyesight & Hard to Reverse.

Loco Weed, & many other chemicals can be nasty. Basicly as Gas Settles in, Solids Break apart & turn into Gas. Spit from Mouth Rapidly speards out, if spit into pool of Water & Is Permanet Side Effect.

Marihuana isn't particularly Bad, yet reduces overal strenght of bodies immune system. greatly. Your life is NOT Prolonged due to Ammonialude Useage, in Fact, Health Greatly Deteriorates, Rapidly, taking Good Swath of Memory & Strenght Is LOST Permanently With useage, as Marihuana Metabolizes. Mental Tracking? Huh.

Mental health Gives Electrol Convulsive Therapy to Users, To Reduce Effective High, As Nerves Are Plain Destroyed, Permanently. As Life & Quality of Life, immediately . Most Tratment are continued in sets of 4, until Patient Dies, in about month. Those Treatment Centers Will nOT Let Patient Go, Nor Stop Treatment. Sometimes Multiple tratmensts, Up to One Each Half Hour, Till Death Are Given, As Mind isn't Able to Protect Body Under influance. Mental Health Is Murder, To ALL.

MEDICINAL MARIHUANA WILL NOT CURE PATIENT OF ANYTHING. EVER. will, reduce quality of logical thought, immensily. More Recreation Teenage party drug, Naivee' ending Up Labeld with system that Ruins Youth, Permanently & Forever. No WorkPlace Is Safe With Users. Often Life of User Totally falls apart, leaving Patient Penniless,Shunned, Confused & REjected. worthlessness being overal end result & victimization throughout entire rest of Ones, often Short life.


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